Community Led Support
Our approach to how we deliver care and support across Adult Social Care is changing in Gateshead.
The council, NHS and voluntary sector partners are changing the way they will support communities across Gateshead by partnering with the National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi) network as part of a three-year change programme to introduce Community Led Support.
Community Led Support will involve us working collaboratively with our communities, partner organisations and staff to design a health and social care service that works for everyone. Its core principles include co-production; a focus on communities; preventing crises by enabling people to get support and advice when they need it; a culture based on trust and empowerment; and treating people as equals and building on their strengths.
The programme aims to help people:
- feel less socially isolated and more connected with their community
- easily access the support they need within their community
- stay in their home rather than move into residential care
- have their say on local support and feel listened to
In practice, co-production will mean that anyone who uses adult social care services can work together with the council, NHS and voluntary sector from the start to the end of any project that affects them.
Co-production can be broken down into the following activities:
- co-design, including planning of services
- co-decision making in the allocation of resources
- co-delivery of services, including the role of volunteers in providing the service
- co-evaluation of the service for continuous improvement
There key difference between co-production and being consulted is that co-production will mean you are an equal partner with the council, NHS and the voluntary sector.
National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
The NDTi Community Led Support programme involves working with a network of over 30 organisations that have responsibility for adult social care to support them to co-produce and maximise community connections to improve outcomes for people locally.
The network includes local authorities from across England, Scotland and Wales. We are proud to have joined the network to improve outcomes for anyone living in Gateshead and look forward to seeing the impact of co-production on adult social care services across the borough.
NDTi Community Led Support
Our Gateshead
Community Support
Volunteering in Gateshead
Integrated impact assessment (Word doc, 549 KB)(opens new window)