Highway Development Control
The Building and Natural Environment team provide travel and transport advice on planning applications. The team deals with a range of planning applications, from very large applications covering major developments to smaller applications from homeowners and small businesses. Pre-application advice is also provided. All enquiries must be made via the Development Management section.
When a planning application is submitted a formal assessment is made of the nature and severity of impacts on transport paying particular attention to highway capacity, road safety and sustainable travel. This assessment forms a report which is passed to the Development Management section and may be influential in determining planning permission.
To assist in developing the transport aspects of new developments several technical appendices have been prepared. These provide detailed advice and guidance on the preparation of the transport aspects of planning applications and supporting material.
Gateshead Homezone Guide (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Technical Appendices Introduction (PDF, 13 KB)(opens new window)
Checklist of information for S278/S38 agreements (PDF, 25 KB)(opens new window)
Car parking (residential) (PDF, 29 KB)(opens new window)
Car parking (non-residential) (PDF, 52 KB)(opens new window)
Visibility (PDF, 336 KB)(opens new window)
Section 38 agreements (PDF, 51 KB)(opens new window)
Transport Costs (PDF, 35 KB)(opens new window)
Travel Plan Guidance (PDF, 133 KB)(opens new window)
Standard details (PDF, 14 MB)(opens new window)
For transport aspects of planning applications including transport assessments contact us.
Contact us
Built and Natural Environment team
Development, Transport and Public protection
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3450
For section 38 or 278 related and highway adoption advice:
Highways Adoption Engineer
Highway and Flood Risk Management Team
Development, Transport and Public Protection
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 3083