MSGP examination
We submitted our Making Spaces for Growing Places (MSGP) Local Plan Document and associated evidence to the Secretary of State for independent examination on 12 April 2019.
Planning Inspector
Planning Inspector Joanna Gilbert MA (Hons) MTP MRTPI has been appointed by the Secretary of State to conduct the examination of MSGP.
Examination hearings
Examination hearing sessions were held at Gateshead Civic Centre on the following dates:
- Week 1: Tuesday 1 October 2019 to Thursday 3 October 2019
- Week 2: Tuesday 8 October 2019 to Thursday 10 October 2019
The Inspector's matters, issues and questions (MIQs) [EX04] (PDF, 267 KB)(opens new window) provided the basis for discussions at the hearing sessions. The Examination procedure is outlined in the Inspector's Examination guidance note [EX03] (PDF, 150 KB)(opens new window).
Latest examination news
1 February 2021
Making Spaces for Growing Places was adopted.
9 November 2020
The Council received the Inspectors Report for Making Spaces for Growing Places and a corresponding Schedule of Main Modifications.
The report concludes that the Making Spaces for Growing Places Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Local Plan Document for Gateshead provides an appropriate basis for the planning of the borough, provided that a number of main modifications (MMs) are made to it.
Gateshead MSGP Report (PDF, 349 KB)(opens new window)
Schedule of Main Modifications (PDF, 789 KB)(opens new window)
17 August 2020
The Inspector has issued a letter to the Council regarding changes to the Use Classes Order (EX13) (PDF, 65 KB)(opens new window)
23 July 2020
The Council is carrying out a consultation on the proposed Main Modifications to the MSGP Submission Plan, the consequential changes to the policies map, or the associated Sustainability Appraisal Addendum. This consultation will run from 27 July 2020 to 18 September 2020.
Further information on this consultation, including links to relevant documents and how to make representations, is available on our have your say on planning page.
18 May 2020
The Inspector has responded to queries raised by the Council following the issue of the Inspector's post-hearings letter on 4 May 2020. The following documents have been added to the Examination Library:
- HD16 - Queries raised by the Council in response to the Inspector's post-hearings letter (12 May 2020) (PDF, 168 KB)(opens new window)
- EX12 - Inspector's response to the Council's queries raised in document HD16 (18 May 2020) (PDF, 89 KB)(opens new window)
4 May 2020
The Inspector has issued a post-hearings letter (EX10) (PDF, 127 KB)(opens new window)
27 March 2020
Following the Council's submission of documents in February 2020, the Council is awaiting the receipt of a post-hearings letter from the Inspector.
14 February 2020
The Inspector has issued a letter to the Council regarding housing supply (EX09 (PDF, 104 KB)(opens new window)). This document has been added to Section 1 of the Part 2 Examination Library.
4 February 2020
The Council have provided updated housing evidence documents. These documents have been added to Section 4 of the Part 2 Examination Library - see documents HD09-HD15. These documents were requested by the Inspector to clarify evidence on deliverability of sites and correct some discrepancies in the evidence.
14 November 2019
The Council's responses to document EX07 (Action points arising from the MSGP hearing sessions) have been added to Section 4 of the Part 2 Examination Library (see documents HD08A-H below).
Part 1 Examination library
MSGP is accompanied by a number of submission and evidence base documents which can be accessed in the Submission documents [SD] and Evidence Library (EV).
Part 2 Examination library
Section 1: Correspondence from Inspector / Programme Officer [EX]
EX03 MSGP Examination guidance note (PDF, 150 KB)
EX04 MSGP matters, issues and questions (PDF, 267 KB)
EX05 Draft Hearings Programme (Version 1) (PDF, 122 KB)(opens new window)
EX05A Revised Hearings Programme (Version 2) (PDF, 109 KB)(opens new window)
EX06A Day 1 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 39 KB)(opens new window)
EX06B Day 2 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 41 KB)(opens new window)
EX06C Day 3 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 40 KB)(opens new window)
EX06Di Day 4 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 96 KB)
EX06E Day 5 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 101 KB)(opens new window)
EX06F Day 6 Hearing Agenda (PDF, 89 KB)(opens new window)
EX10 Inspector’s post-hearings letter to the Council (30 April 2020) (PDF, 127 KB)(opens new window)
Section 2: Correspondence from council (GC)
Council response to document EX01: Inspector's pre-hearing note 1
Council response to document EX02: Inspector's pre-hearing note 2
GC002.0 Council's response to pre-hearing note 2 (PDF, 704 KB)(opens new window)
GC002.2 Appendix 2 - Council Call for Sites Letter (PDF, 658 KB)(opens new window)
GC002.3 Appendix 3 - Council's Call For Sites Form (PDF, 548 KB)(opens new window)
Other correspondence from the council
GC003 Notice of Examination Hearing (PDF, 427 KB)
Section 3: Hearing statements [HS] and Statements of Common Ground [SoCG]
Matter 1 - Legal Compliance and the Duty to Cooperate
HS M101 Gateshead Council (PDF, 733 KB)(opens new window)
Matter 2 - Economic prosperity
HS M2-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 777 KB)(opens new window)
HS M2-02 Pegasus on behalf of UK Land Investments Ltd (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M2-03 Persimmon Homes (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Matter 3 - Green belt
HS M3-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
HS M3-02 Hedley Planning on behalf of Bill Quay Ltd (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M3-03 Persimmon Homes (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Matter 4 - Homes
HS M4-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M4-02 Home Builders Federation (PDF, 213 KB)(opens new window)
HS M4-03 Barton Willmore on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (PDF, 135 KB)(opens new window)
HS M4-04 Ward Haddaway on behalf of Nexus (PDF, 454 KB)(opens new window)
HS M4-06 BNP Paribas on behalf of BAE Systems (PDF, 4 MB)(opens new window)
HS M4-07 Hedley Planning on behalf of Bill Quay Ltd (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M4-08 Persimmon Homes (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Matter 5 - Transport and accessibility
HS M5-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 778 KB)(opens new window)
HS M5-02 Persimmon (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Matter 6 - People and place
HS M6-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M6-02 Barton Willmore on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (PDF, 110 KB)(opens new window)
HS M6-04 Hedley Planning on behalf of Bill Quay Ltd (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M6-05 Persimmon Homes (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HS M6-06 Newcastle International Airport Ltd (PDF, 194 KB)(opens new window)
Matter 7 - Minerals and waste
HS M7-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Matter 8 - Monitoring
HS M8-01 Gateshead Council (PDF, 682 KB)(opens new window)
Section 4: Documents received during and after the Hearing Sessions [HD]
HD07 Permitted Schemes in Ryton Woodside (October 2019) (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
Council's responses to action points
HD08A Matter 1 Action Responses (Version 1, 30 October 19) (PDF, 13 MB)(opens new window)
HD08B Matter 2 Action Responses (Version 1, 1 November 2019) (PDF, 757 KB)(opens new window)
HD08C Matter 3 Action Responses (Version 1, 14 November 2019) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HD08D Matter 4 Action Responses (Version 2, 22 November 2019) (PDF, 712 KB)(opens new window)
HD08Di Appendix A Housing Topic Paper Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 572 KB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD10)
HD08Dii Appendix B Table of Sites Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD10i)
HD08Diii Appendix C Housing Trajectory Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 234 KB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD10ii)
HD08Div Appendix D Additional Information Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 465 KB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD10iii)
HD08Dv Appendix E Matter 4 MIQ Response Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD13)
HD08Dvi Appendix F Housing Factsheets Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 22 MB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD15)
HD08Dvii Appendix G MSGP Appendix 2 Update (22 November 2019) (PDF, 798 KB)(opens new window) (updated January 2020 - see HD14)
HD08E Matter 5 Action Responses (Version 1, 4 November 2019) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HD08F Matter 6 Action Responses (Version 2, 11 November 2019) (PDF, 735 KB)(opens new window)
HD08G Matter 7 Action Responses (Version 1, 30 October 2019 (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)
HD08H Matter 8 Action Responses (Version 1, 7 November 2019) (PDF, 638 KB)(opens new window)
Council's updated housing evidence (January 2020)
Note that these revised documents supersede HD08 and related appendices.
HD09 Housing Supply Position Statement (January 2020) (PDF, 500 KB)(opens new window)
HD10 Gateshead Housing Supply Topic Paper (January 2020) (PDF, 580 KB)(opens new window)
HD10i Appendix 1 Table of Sites (January 2020) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HD10ii Appendix 2 Trajectory (January 2020) (PDF, 232 KB)(opens new window)
HD10iii Appendix 3 Additional Information (January 2020) (PDF, 461 KB)(opens new window)
HD13 Matter 4 MIQ Response Updates (January 2020) (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
HD14 MSGP Appendix 2 (January 2020) (PDF, 802 KB)(opens new window)
HD15 Updated Fact Sheets (January 2020) (PDF, 31 MB)(opens new window)
HD17 - Council Response on Use Classes Order Changes (Sept. 2020) (PDF, 232 KB)(opens new window)
Consultation documents
Schedule of Main Modifications July 2020 (PDF, 814 KB)(opens new window)
Sustainability Appraisal addendum July 2020 (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
Schedule of Policy Map Changes July 2020 (PDF, 23 MB)(opens new window)
Additional documents to assist consultation
MSGP Modifications Plan July 2020 (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window)
Schedule of Additional Modifications July 2020 (PDF, 219 KB)(opens new window)