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Armed forces

We can provide advice, help and support to anyone who has been a member of the armed forces. 

The service also offers support and advice to serving reservists and to family members of the above groups. We can assist with regards to:

  • housing - securing and maintaining tenancies, betterment moves, supported accommodation
  • employment, training and volunteering opportunities
  • accessing service charities to relation to clearing rent/council tax arrears, securing white/brown goods
  • debt management and cost of living
  • benefits and military pension advice
  • fast track mental health referrals for op courage and VTILS support
  • access to other local authority services such as social work, rent and income teams and Council Tax. 

If you have been a member of the armed forces and would like some more information, contact us.

You can also find support from the Armed Forces Outreach Service (opens new window)