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Waste and recycling planning guidance

Planning guidance

Our guidance note provides pre-prepared planning guidance on waste and recycling storage and collection to prospective applicants to assist their applications.

Waste and recycling planning guidance (PDF, 387 KB)

Any applicant who wishes to obtain planning permission must seek to reach agreement by consulting with the us on the following:

  • Methods of storage and collection of waste and recyclables including vehicle access
  • Designated location for storage of waste and recyclables sensitively located away from habitable windows
  • External storage capacities provided
  • Fire safety measures for communal waste and recycling storage areas within habitable developments (fire resistant walls and ceilings)
  • Appropriate recycling facilities for retail, leisure and community outlets, dependent upon catchment areas and local circumstances

This is to ensure that we are able to fulfil our responsibility to collect and arrange appropriate disposal/recycling of waste from domestic properties.

To find out more, please review our waste and recycling planning guidance (PDF, 387 KB) which provides guidance on the accommodation of waste and recycling services (external waste storage and collection) in new developments.