Ending your council tenancy
If you are having difficulties with your tenancy, please talk to us before deciding to move out.
If you do decide to end your tenancy, here's what you need to do:
- Give us four weeks' notice in writing
- Tell us if you made any significant improvements to the property. You might be entitled to compensation
- Give us your new address and phone number
- Clear any rent arrears and other charges. Contact us for help to do this
- Complete any repairs you are responsible for
- Tell your energy suppliers you are moving and read the meters on the day you leave
- Tell your household insurance company that you are moving and arrange cover for your new home if necessary
- Tell other companies such as TV Licensing (opens new window) and your cable or satellite provider
- Contact the Post Office (opens new window) about redirecting your mail to your new address
- Put back any of our fixtures and fittings, repairing any damage
- Leave the inside and outside of the property in a good condition. This includes gardens, outhouses, sheds and communal areas
- Remove all your belongings from your home, garden, outbuildings and sheds
- Leave the property clean and tidy
- Hand in all the keys to your home before noon on the day of termination
More about the notice period
If you do not give notice on a Monday, your four-week notice period will start from the following Monday.
You are responsible for looking after the property and for paying the rent even if you leave before the notice period ends.
Before you move out we will arrange to visit you to discuss any tenancy matters and inspect your home. During this visit we will discuss any rechargeable repairs we find.
Giving notice on behalf of another tenant
You can only do this if:
- The tenant is not capable of doing this and you are their approved guarantor
- The tenant has died, and you are the executor of the estate. This is usually the next of kin. If you need any further assistance in relation to this matter, please contact us
If the tenant is claiming benefits, the entitlement to claim ceases from the Monday following the date of death. (If someone dies on a Sunday the benefits cease on that day).
We require one week notice of termination.
One weeks bereavement allowance of the full gross rent can be offered to allow time to clear the property.
We require a copy of the death certificate.
For further help and advice visit Deaths and funerals.
Contact us
Housing Services
Housing, Environment and Healthy Communities
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street
0191 433 5353