Birtley Community Partnership (The Hub)

The Birtley Hub is a resource centre for the local community. Some of the things we have on offer are:
- free internet access
- free computer use
- free wi-fi
- low cost printing and photocopying
- free I.T assistance
- help with job search, C.V writing
- foodbank referrals
We can provide you with information about local services, other organisations and point you in the right direction when seeking advice. We have baby changing facilities, and also disabled access. A cafe area offering very reasonably priced refreshments.
Other organisations also offer their services from The Hub.
We arrange trips, social events and activities.
We can offer referral vouchers for local foodbanks, a cuppa and a friendly chat with our volunteers. Drop in or call ahead to pick up a food parcel.
We welcome cash and store cupboard food donations. We often run short of coffee, UHT milk, sugar, tinned meats, tinned fish, toothpaste and toilet roll. A food collection point is also available at Morrisons.
The Birtley Hub
16 Harraton Terrace
DH3 2QG 492 0434
Wednesdays 9.30am to 12pm
NE First Credit Union Tuesday and Friday 12noon-2pm