Digital events online

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Saturday Makers
Join us and see - published each week to Gateshead Libraries Facebook (opens new window) and YouTube (opens new window) pages.
Online learning
If you'd like to improve your computer skills why not try some of these free online courses?
Make it click (opens new window) Not sure which online learning site to use? Make it Click can help you decide which one fits you best.
Learn my way (opens new window) Lots of online courses that can support you to manage your money, shop online safely, use email, use the internet and more
Digital Unite (opens new window) Easy to follow guides for computer basics, internet security, health and fitness, hobbies, Microsoft Office and lots more
More free online courses can be found at
Future Learn (opens new window)
Google Digital Garage (opens new window)
The Skills Toolkit (opens new window)
GCFLearn - Free technology tutorials (opens new window)
Tech Tasters
Look out for some of our popular sessions online. We'll be looking at apps to help you edit your photos, keep in touch, relax and much more.
Prepare to use some of our new digital equipment by learning how to use some of the design programmes or look out for some of our online tutorials and videos to find out what you can make.
Prusa Slicer (opens new window)
Watch our YouTube feed (opens new window) for videos on digital activities and more.
Micro:bit code club
Get in touch to register for the club, or for more information, email (opens new window) or call 0191 433 8441.