Family drug and alcohol court (FDAC)

The Family Drug and Alcohol Court helps families where children are put at risk by parental substance misuse. The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) adopts a problem-solving therapeutic approach that aims to improve outcomes for children involved in care proceedings, by supporting parents to address their substance misuse and related problems, for example, mental health difficulties and domestic abuse.
FDAC is a problem-solving court where the same judge reviews the case every fortnight and is supported by FDAC Intervention Team. The FDAC team deliver a trauma informed approach which aims to help to develop parents understanding of the difficulties that have put their children at risk of serious harm as well as supporting them to engage with an intervention plan developed to meet their specific needs. The goal of the FDAC team is to support parents to overcome their difficulties within the timescales of Childrens Services and Court's timescales.