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Our digital collection now gives you 24 hour access to a growing collection of eMagazines, in addition to thousands of eBooks and hundreds of eAudiobooks already available.
With BorrowBox you can:
- Borrow up to 15 eBooks, 8 eAudiobooks and eMagazines free of charge for 3 weeks
- Avoid fines as books are returned automatically at the end of your loan period
- Access back copies of your favourite magazine titles
- Return books before the end of the 3 weeks if you finish your title early - we would encourage you to do this as there is currently a big demand for titles
- Renew your eBook or eAudiobook twice - you will be prompted to do this
- Reserve titles and you will receive it on the date that the book is due to be returned. You may even receive the book earlier if it is returned before the due date
Download the BorrowBox user guide (PDF, 290 KB)
If you are already using the BorrowBox app for eBooks or eAudiobooks and don't see the eMagazines tab, you will need to reset your app. Go to your profile in the app (the icon at the top right) and look for Account Details (Manage or reset your account), then the option Reset app (probably in red at the bottom of the profile). After touching this option, you will need to select Gateshead Libraries and enter your library barcode and PIN again: contact us if you've lost these. |