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Benefits forms and leaflets

Name of form or leafletDescription
Council Tax, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Support leaflet (PDF, 196 KB)(opens new window)Information about Council Tax, Council Tax discounts and exemptions and Housing and Council Tax Benefit.
Estimate of earnings (PDF, 22 KB)(opens new window)If you do not have any payslips yet, use this form so we can estimate your earnings to calculate any Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support you may be due to.
Confirmation of earnings (PDF, 23 KB)(opens new window)Give us details of your earnings, so we can calculate any Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support you may be due to.
Benefit childcare costs (PDF, 417 KB)(opens new window)Give us details of your childcare costs so we can calculate any Housing Benefits and/or Council Tax Support you may be due to.
Landlords declaration form (PDF, 55 KB)(opens new window)Landlords can use this form to give us details of the rent they are charging so that their tenant can apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support.
Benefit request payment by BACS (PDF, 319 KB)(opens new window)Get your Housing Benefit paid directly into your bank account.
Benefit enquiry letter of authorisation (PDF, 248 KB)(opens new window)Give specific people permission to speak to us about your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support claim on your behalf.
Benefit request for backdating (PDF, 645 KB)(opens new window)Tell us why you want your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support claim to be backdated.
Revisions and appeals
Name of form or leafletDescription
Benefit request for revision (PDF, 230 KB)(opens new window)If you would  you like us to look at your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support claim again.
Benefit request for appeal (PDF, 411 KB)(opens new window)Appeal against a decision we have made about your Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Support claim.
Discretionary Housing Payments
Name of leaflet or formDescription
Apply for your discretionary housing payment

Apply for additional help with your rent if your Housing Benefit or Universal Credit does not cover the full amount.

This payment is discretionary based on your circumstances.

Name of leaflet or formDescription
Benefit replacement cheque (PDF, 478 KB)(opens new window)If you are expecting a Housing Benefit cheque from us and have not received it.