Resident Influence Panel
The Resident Influence Panel is a group made up of Gateshead Council tenants and leaseholders.
Its main aims are:
- To make sure that residents' experiences are influencing service design and delivery across our housing service.
- That we act on what customers tell us through formal engagement, and that we proactively listen to, and act on feedback from residents using our engagement framework.
The Resident Influence Panel sits directly under our Strategic Housing Board, and its members have an important role, working alongside employees, in delivering on our commitment to co-design our services based on real customer experiences.
The panel ensures we are delivering on our Resident Influence Strategy, and the wider Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Regulatory Standard.
It directs specific pieces of work across housing services, such as scrutiny reviews, based on evidence through performance information and complaints, to check and test how we are performing. Members report their findings and recommendations to our Strategic Housing Board and Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
Panel members receive free training and other support, such as attending digital and in-person workshops about the latest information in the housing sector, to help them fulfil their role with confidence.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in joining and would like more information, contact the Customer Involvement Team today at, or call 0191 433 5357, and a member of the team will be happy to help.