Useful websites for children of primary school age
This is a list of websites parents may find useful when home educating their children. These resources are mainly aimed at families with children who are of secondary school age. It is the responsibility of parents or guardians to check these resources are suitable for their child.
BBC Bitesize - KS2
BBC Bitesize includes information covering all subjects from the primary school curriculum.
Education Quizzes
Teacher-written quizzes for KS1, KS2, 11-Plus, KS3 and GCSE
Letters and Sounds on YouTube
Letters and Sounds YouTube channel covers short daily phonics lessons, suitable mostly for Early Years or Key Stage One.
Oak National Academy
A comprehensive bank of lessons covering the entire primary curriculum from Early Years to Key Stage Two.
Oxford Owl - help with times tables
Times Table support including free downloads. Mainly suitable for Key Stages One and Two, but also useful as a booster for older learners.
TTS home learning activities
Downloadable learning pack covering all primary school subjects from Early Years to Key Stage Two
Twinkl remote and home learning
Make a free account for access to a range of resources covering most primary school subjects.