Homelessness Forum

The forum has responsibility for our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy, delivering the actions set out in it to achieve our vision 'To prevent and end homelessness, in all forms, in Gateshead'.
The forum is strategic and collaborative, and its activity is directed by the Strategic Housing Partnership and the Strategic Housing Board. It also feeds into and out of our Health and Wellbeing Board and Community Safety Board.
The forum focuses on delivery of the four key aims set out in our Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy:
- Make homelessness a rare occurrence
- Where homelessness occurs, there will be positive outcomes for people
- No-one sleeping rough or in unsuitable accommodation
- Homelessness is a one-off occurrence
Forum membership is open to representatives from these types of organisation:
- Social housing providers
- Providers of homelessness accommodation and support - both commissioned and non-commissioned
- Homelessness advice and advocacy services
- External and internal partners, e.g. commissioning, social care, police, probation
Meetings are chaired and supported by a member of the Council's Strategic Housing Team.
The forum meets quarterly; the frequency of meetings will be reviewed as necessary.