Advice on flood risk management for developers
Identifying risk of flooding for new development
To assess if a location has a possibility of flooding, there are a range of possible information sources in the planning process.
National sources
- Check the long term flood risk for an area in England (opens new window)
- Flood map for planning (opens new window)
Local sources:
- Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
- Team Valley Surface Water Management Plan Preliminary Assessment (PDF, 19 MB)(opens new window)
- Metrogreen - Flood Risk and Water Management
- Gateshead Quays Wall Condition Survey and Climate Change Adaptation Strategy (PDF, 2 MB)(opens new window)
- Gateshead Council Lead Local Flood Authority: historic flooding records, flood risk management assets, local flood risk management strategy and local flood schemes.
National and local planning policies, guidance, and standards
To manage the flood risk of new development, it is important to refer to relevant national and local planning policies, guidance, and standards:
- National Planning Policy Framework (opens new window) (Chapter 14 - para.159-169)
- National Planning Practice Guidance - Flood Risk and Coastal Change (opens new window)
- Local Plan: Newcastle Gateshead Core Strategy and Urban Core Plan (PDF, 59 MB)(opens new window) - CS17 and site specific policies; Making Spaces for Growing Places (PDF, 8 MB)(opens new window) - MSGP 29, 30, 31
- Non Statutory SuDS Technical Standards (DEFRA March 2015) (opens new window)
- Non Statutory SuDS Technical Standards Practice Guidance (LASOO) (opens new window)
- Association of SuDs Authorities: Knowledge and Resources (opens new window)
- Flood risk assessments: climate change allowances (opens new window)
Environment Agency's guidance and standing advice
The Environment Agency is a statutory consultee on flood risk for some planning applications (within 20m of main river, critical drainage problem areas and certain categories of development in flood zone 2 and 3, subject to the flood risk vulnerability classification).
Refer to:
- Standing advice for local authorities (opens new window)
- Guidance on Sequential Tests (opens new window)
- Preparing a flood risk assessment standing advice (opens new window)
- Environment Agency organisation (opens new window)
Gateshead Lead Local Flood Authority's guidance and standards
The Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA) undertakes a statutory consultee role providing technical advice on surface water drainage (including Sustainable Drainage Systems [SuDS]) to the Local Planning Authority (LPA) for major developments (10 dwellings or more). The LLFA also provides technical advice to the LPA on a range of other local flooding issues.
Refer to:
- Gateshead SuDS Interim Guidance (PDF, 584 KB)(opens new window)
- North East Lead Local Flood Authorities Sustainable Drainage Local Standards (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)
- North East Lead Local Flood Authorities Sustainable Drainage Local Standards proforma (Excel doc, 22 KB)(opens new window)
- Tyne Wear Validation Checklist (PDF, 930 KB)(opens new window): 15. Flood Risk and Drainage Assessments
- Contact LLFA SuDS officer:
Other useful information and guidance
Coal Authority's Minewater SuDS Toolkit:
- Code of practice for property flood resilience C790 (opens new window)
- Guidance on the permeable surfacing of front gardens (opens new window)
- Water UK SuDS Sewerage Sector Guidance (opens new window)
- Design and Construction Guidance (DCG) implemented under the Sewerage Sector Guidance (opens new window)
- Susdrain (opens new window)
- UK SuDS Toolkit / SuDS Best Tool (opens new window)
- CIRIA SuDS Manual (C753) and Checklists (opens new window)
- ADEPT EA Flood risk emergency plans for new development (PDF, 1 MB)(opens new window)