Interpreting services and text relay calls
If you or someone you know requires a service from us and they do not speak English, an interpreter will be provided through our approved provider. They will provide high quality interpreting between our officers and users of our services. All interpreters are appropriately qualified and all follow a code of practice that includes the need for confidentiality.
It may take some time before the interpreter is available to help you. If you are unable to attend your appointment for whatever reason, please contact the officer you are dealing with and advise them in order that your interpreter / communicator can be cancelled.
We will arrange this service on your behalf.
Communication support is also available for people who require a British Sign Language Interpreter.
Text relay service
Text relay offers text-to-speech and speech-to-text translation services. A relay assistant in a call centre acts as an intermediary, enabling people with hearing or speech impairments to communicate with other people over the telephone.
This service is not provided by us.
Ofcom approves text relay providers, and has set out minimum standards for the service to ensure users have a good experience.
Visit Ofcom (opens new window) to find out more and how to arrange a text relay call.