Complaints data retention policy
Scope and type of records
We only ask for personal details and information relative to the complaint, compliment or feedback. Providing contact details is not compulsory when putting forward a complaint, compliment or providing feedback. If it's received anonymously it will still be investigated.
Initially the form requests name, email and / or phone number and details about the issue/complaint. Updates, documents or images relevant to the complaint, compliment or feedback can be added. We only request relevant information to the complaint.
Once a complaint enters the corporate complaints system each contact, action and uploaded document or image is stored creating a case history for each issue/complaint. The complaint case history including any personal information relating to any person involved with the case, other relevant information such as dates and locations will only be available to our officers involved with the complaints process.
We will hold the information you provide to us securely and use it to help us to process your complaint. All information relating to complaints are administered and held on a central system which will be accessible by complaints management staff only.
Retention periods
Corporate complaints, compliments and feedback contact details and case records are kept for a minimum of six years.
Corporate complaints, compliments and feedback performance reports created from the dashboard information are kept for a minimum of six years.
The Corporate Complaints Procedure will be monitored and reviewed when necessary.
After the six-year period corporate complaint, compliments and feedback case details will be deleted from the system permanently.
How we use your information
We will only share the case information with internal departments and organisations that we are contracted with or who we need to share information with to deal with your complaint for example the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. (opens new window)
We will not normally share your information with any other external organisation without your consent. There may be certain circumstances where we would need to share your information for example; where we are required to do so by law, for safeguarding purposes or in risk of harm or emergency situations.
Contact details provided through the corporate complaints process will not be used for any other purposes.
Read our Corporate complaints privacy policy.