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Historical searches

Online search

Search the Gateshead registers for Births, Marriages and Deaths since 1837.


We have a limited amount of information on births, death, marriages and civil partnerships online:

1837 to 18841845 to 18621837 to 1848
1991 to 19931864 to 18661850 to 1864
1995 to 20051870 to 18961866 to 1867
 1991 to 19931868 to 1871
 1995 to 20051991 to 1993
  1995 to 2005

Unfortunately, we do not have enough staff to undertake extensive searches of our indexes. If you are able to provide accurate details for the event you are interested in (for example the name and the year of birth, death or marriage) we can carry out a search of the registers for that year and a year either side.

If a wider search is needed you, or someone acting on your behalf, will need to make an appointment for a general search of our indexes.

There is an £18 fee for a general search giving you six hours (maximum) to search the indexes, in person. Legal restrictions mean you cannot search the actual registers.

copy certificate can be purchased for any entry identified during either type of search.

Contact us

Gateshead Register Office
Gateshead Council
Civic Centre
Regent Street

0191 433 3000