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Amendments to traffic management in Gateshead town centre

traffic on Tyne Bridge

Last weekend (17-19 September) saw significant traffic congestion and delays in both Gateshead and Newcastle, and it is clear that large crowds attending major cultural and sporting events by car, as well as families bringing students to the area, contributed to that congestion.

We recognise the problems caused by the traffic and congestion, especially around the Nelson Street / Lambton Street area and we will be making some amendments to traffic management from today, Friday September 24th.

It is clear from our analysis that beyond the extra traffic using the network, we experienced additional problems due to some drivers using illegal shortcuts, which made conditions worse for all road users.

We are amending the layout of Lambton Street and Nelson Street, which form the main access to the Trinity Square car park.

Access will continue to be possible from the east along Lambton Street, and from the west along Nelson Street - including to businesses on the northern side of Nelson Street. All traffic exiting from Trinity Square car park will need to turn left and use Nelson Street and the West Central Route.

But there will be no longer be access for through traffic along Lambton Street from east to west.

This will simplify traffic movements and enable the traffic signals at the exit of Trinity Square to be shut off, avoiding the lengthy delays experienced last weekend.

Additional yellow warning signs will be positioned at the Oakwellgate roundabout and on the approaches, as well as on Askew Road, west of the junction with the A184 West Central Route.

In the medium term, we will be carrying out further analysis of our network, including Bensham roundabout (junction of A184 and B1426), Regent Terrace / Charles Street and the Park Lane roundabout, to assess what changes may be beneficial to improve the management of traffic flows.

Marc Morley,  Service Director for Highways and Waste at Gateshead Council, said: "Gateshead is firmly committed to tackling the climate emergency and resolving problems with air quality. We have made significant changes to our town centre road network to help address those issues, and will continue to refine our approach.

"Any action we take must sit within the wider context of the Council's responsibilities to all road users and pedestrians.

"We need to shift the balance away from the private car and towards alternative forms of transport, and would urge all our residents, and those travelling into Gateshead from neighbouring areas, to please choose the most appropriate, and least polluting mode of transport for their journey."

Roadworks Felling bypass 25 and 26 September


traffic on Tyne Bridge
24 September 2021

Last weekend (17-19 September) saw significant traffic congestion and delays in both Gateshead and Newcastle, and it is clear that large crowds attending major cultural and sporting events by car, as well as families bringing students to the area, contributed to that congestion.

We recognise the problems caused by the traffic and congestion, especially around the Nelson Street / Lambton Street area and we will be making some amendments to traffic management from today, Friday September 24th.

It is clear from our analysis that beyond the extra traffic using the network, we experienced additional problems due to some drivers using illegal shortcuts, which made conditions worse for all road users.

We are amending the layout of Lambton Street and Nelson Street, which form the main access to the Trinity Square car park.

Access will continue to be possible from the east along Lambton Street, and from the west along Nelson Street - including to businesses on the northern side of Nelson Street. All traffic exiting from Trinity Square car park will need to turn left and use Nelson Street and the West Central Route.

But there will be no longer be access for through traffic along Lambton Street from east to west.

This will simplify traffic movements and enable the traffic signals at the exit of Trinity Square to be shut off, avoiding the lengthy delays experienced last weekend.

Additional yellow warning signs will be positioned at the Oakwellgate roundabout and on the approaches, as well as on Askew Road, west of the junction with the A184 West Central Route.

In the medium term, we will be carrying out further analysis of our network, including Bensham roundabout (junction of A184 and B1426), Regent Terrace / Charles Street and the Park Lane roundabout, to assess what changes may be beneficial to improve the management of traffic flows.

Marc Morley,  Service Director for Highways and Waste at Gateshead Council, said: "Gateshead is firmly committed to tackling the climate emergency and resolving problems with air quality. We have made significant changes to our town centre road network to help address those issues, and will continue to refine our approach.

"Any action we take must sit within the wider context of the Council's responsibilities to all road users and pedestrians.

"We need to shift the balance away from the private car and towards alternative forms of transport, and would urge all our residents, and those travelling into Gateshead from neighbouring areas, to please choose the most appropriate, and least polluting mode of transport for their journey."

Roadworks Felling bypass 25 and 26 September


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