Families to continue to receive help during school holidays

School meals half term
School meals half term
13 October 2021

Families who are entitled to free school meals will once again receive financial help during the upcoming October half term school holiday.

As in previous holidays, families will be given vouchers to help parents with the costs of shopping for food for their children over the school holiday.  Each voucher will be redeemable from a range of local retailers and will be distributed to parents by each child's school.  

Funding will come from the Household Support Grant, a government grant given to councils to support vulnerable households and individuals during the final stages of the pandemic.

Families who currently receive means tested free school meals will receive a voucher from their school for £15 per child per week to cover the school holiday period Monday 25 October to Friday 29 October 2021. 

More than 7,000 children in Gateshead are eligible for free school meals.

Find out more about free school meals

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