Climate Strategy consultation - we want to hear from you

As a council, we have already made major progress in reducing carbon emissions from our own activities - a massive 55% drop since 2010.
But that only accounts for around 2.5% of Gateshead's total carbon footprint.
So now the Climate Strategy is about working with everybody with a stake in Gateshead - whether you live, work or simply travel through the borough, to make changes to reduce our carbon emissions.
Complete the consultation online using the map, or the survey option if you prefer to write about your ideas.
Tell us all the good things already happening, and suggest what else you, your neighbours and local businesses can do to help us get to net zero.

As a council, we have already made major progress in reducing carbon emissions from our own activities - a massive 55% drop since 2010.
But that only accounts for around 2.5% of Gateshead's total carbon footprint.
So now the Climate Strategy is about working with everybody with a stake in Gateshead - whether you live, work or simply travel through the borough, to make changes to reduce our carbon emissions.
Complete the consultation online using the map, or the survey option if you prefer to write about your ideas.
Tell us all the good things already happening, and suggest what else you, your neighbours and local businesses can do to help us get to net zero.