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Appendix A

Summary of the proposed speed limit hierarchy

Speed limitUrbanRural
<20 mph*
(without TRO)**
Only within Home Zones when also within a 20 mph zone.As urban.
20 mph Zone

  1. Residential areas
  2. Limits with existing low speed - consideration to be given to conversion to zones as funds permit.
  3. High streets, town and local centres - shopping areas with significant pedestrian crossing movements.
  4. Outside and adjacent to schools.
  5. Other areas where high pedestrian movements are common for example tourist areas
Where the above approach results in more than one zone in close proximity consideration will be given to combining these into a single larger zone.
Villages*** or areas within villages that meet the criteria set out for urban scenarios.
20 mphIn the above scenarios where existing speeds already complyIn the above scenarios where existing speeds already comply
20mph* (without TRO)-Quiet lanes.
30 mph****


Built up areas with development on both sides of the road that are not subject to a 20mph speed limit and perform a more major function such as local distributors.


As an intermediate speed limit between two other speed limits

Villages. ***


As an intermediate speed limit between two other speed limits

40 mph

Higher quality suburban roads with;
  • few vulnerable road users or a segregated provision with adequate crossing facilities.
  • little or no residential development fronting onto it.
  • good width and layout with parking and buildings set back.


As an intermediate speed limit between two other speed limits

Development that is not to village standard or only on one side of the road with no requirement for vulnerable road users to cross.


Zones in areas where higher levels of vulnerable road users are expected for example on cycle routes****

50 mphCompletely segregated classified road with little or no roadside development

Lower quality single carriageway roads outside settlements


Roads with high numbers of bends, junctions and accesses

60 mph-Outside of settlements on high quality single carriageway roads with few bends, junctions and accesses
70 mph-Outside of settlements on dual carriageway strategic A and B roads with few bends, junctions and accesses

* Whilst it is not anticipated that Home Zones and Quiet Lanes will be subject to the introduction of formal speed limit orders, it is intended that they will be designed in such a way that speeds will be limited, by the provision of physical measures, to around 10 and 20 mph respectively.

** TRO - Traffic Regulation Order

*** 20 houses. Allowance will be made for other buildings such as shops, schools

**** 30 mph limits may be introduced by virtue of the existence of a system of street lighting, as defined in circular 1/13, so that when new systems of lighting are introduced it is essential that they should be audited for speed limit implications.

****** For narrower, minor, rural roads, especially where recreational use is to be promoted, a lower limit will be the norm.
