Appendix B
Type of vehicle | Built up area - mph (km/h) | Single carriageways- mph (km/h) | Dual carriageways- mph (km/h) | Motorways- mph (km/h) |
cars and motorcycles (including car derived vans up to two tonnes maximum laden weight) | 30 (48) | 60 (96) | 70 (112) | 70 (112) |
cars towing caravans or trailers (including car derived vans and motorcycles) | 30 (48) | 50 (80) | 60 (96) | 60 (96) |
busses, coaches and mini busses (not exceeding 12 metres in overall length) | 30 (48) | 50 (80) | 60 (96) | 70 (112) |
goods vehicles (not exceeding 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight) | 30 (48) | 50 (80) | 60 (96) | 70 (112) |
goods vehicles (exceeding 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight) in England and Wales | 30 (48) | 50 (80) | 60 (96) | 60 (96) |
goods vehicles(exceeding 7.5 tonnes maximum laden weight) in Scotland | 30 (48) | 40 (64) | 50 (80) | 60 (96) |