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Appendix F

Safety camera site selection criteria for new core sites

Site selection criteria for core sites

 Fixed speed camera sitesMobile speed camera sitesRoutesRed light or combined red light speed camera sites
Site or route length requirementsBetween 0.4 km and 1.5 kmBetween 0.4 km and 5kmBetween 5km and 20kmFrom stop line to stop line in direction of travel
Number of killed and serious collisions (KSI)At least 3 KSI collisions per km in the baseline period*.At least 1 KSI collisions per km (average) in the baseline period*.

A minimum of 3 existing core sites within the length. (There are no further requirements)


Has at least 1 KSI collision per km (average) in the baseline period* and meets the PIC total value below.

At least 1KSI collision within the junction in the baseline period*.

Selection must be based upon a collision history of red light running.

*The baseline period is the most recent 36 month period available when site selection is carried out.


Total value required

Built up
22 /km

Non built up
18 /km
Built up
11 /km
Non built up
Built up
8 /km
Non built up
6 /km
 For sites up to 1km the above value is required. For sites longer that 1km the value is per km. 


85th percentile speed at proposed sitesSpeed survey shows free-flow 85th percentile speed is at or above ACPO enforcement threshold.Not applicable
Site conditions that are suitable for the type of enforcement proposedLoading and unloading of camera can take place safely.Location for mobile enforcement is easily accessible and there is space for enforcement to take place in a visible, legal and safe manner.The location of collisions in the baseline period will determine the length of route.Loading and unloading the camera can take place safely.
Suitability of site for camera enforcementThe Highway Authority must undertake a site survey, demonstrating the following:
  • The speed limit has been reviewed confirming that camera enforcement is the right solution;
  • That the Traffic Regulation Order (where applicable) and signing are lawful and correct.

New camera sites will be selected using an assessment that includes the level of fatal, serious and slight collisions.

The combined level of collisions will be expressed as a numerical scale (see below) and assessed relative to the road classification for the site - whether it is either a 'built up' or 'non-built up' area and according to the type of site for example: route, fixed, mobile or red light.

Fatal or serious injury collision = 5 (for example: 2 serious collisions = 10)

Slight injury collision = 1 (for example: 5 slight collisions = 5)

'Built up area' is defined as a road with a speed limit of 40 mph or less.

'Non-built up area' is defined as a road with a speed limit of 50 mph or more.