Gateshead Speed Management Plan (SMP)
3. New developments
As far as possible, within our development management powers, it is intended that developers will be required to have a greater awareness of speed related problems generated by their proposals. The following policies and guidance documents are considered key as part of this process;
- National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)
- Newcastle Gateshead Core Strategy Policy CS13
- Gateshead Residential Design Code SPD
- Gateshead Highways Design Guide
- Transport Design Guide (not yet adopted)
- Gateshead Home Zone Design Guide
New residential developments will typically be required to adhere to the street hierarchy set out in our Transport Design Guide, with the road type being linked to function. The hierarchy allows inclusion of factors such as speed limit, road geometry and level of user segregation in managing speed and road safety.
The hierarchy ordered from major to minor will be;
- Local distributor
- Residential Road with buses
- Residential Road access collector
- Residential road
New residential developments should normally be designed as 20mph zones at no cost to the us, which includes costs linked to any new/amended legal orders. Contributions will also be obtained from developers towards the addressing of other related speed management issues, which may exist or be created outside of the development site.
However, where a residential development incorporates more strategic routes or is linked to other non-residential use classes there may be a requirement for a higher limit commensurate with the road function. The appropriate speed limit will be identified through the table in Appendix A.
A developer should first and foremost attempt to control traffic speeds through road geometry and horizontal deflection. Vertical traffic calming should only be used where such measures are not considered practical or cannot be achieved, such as on difficult infill sites. Designs will be assessed by our Transport Planners/Technicians to ensure a suitable layout.
All new street lighting schemes, whether installed as part of a private development or by us, will be assessed for their possible effect on speed limits.