Gateshead Speed Management Plan (SMP)
4. Speed Limits
In this section
Zonal speed limits
Speed limits other than those prescribed as national speed limits, which affect more than one road and on where only entry and exit signage is required
40mph zones
A survey by the road safety charity Brakexv has found that 60% of drivers feel unsafe travelling at the 60mph speed limit on rural single carriageway roads and that less than a quarter believe 60mph is a safe speed for a motor vehicle to travel where there may be a presence of pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
The research also found that only 19% of those surveyed objected to a reduction in rural speed limits from 60mph. This approach is supported by the Cycling Embassy for Great Britain, which believes that 40mph should be the maximum speed at which cyclists and motorised traffic should mix without any segregate provision.
In accordance with DfT circular 01/13 and Appendix A we will implement 40mph Zones on rural roads which form part of a cycle route or where there is known to be a regular presence of vulnerable road users including pedestrians and horse riders. In rural areas it is often not cost effective or physically possible to provide segregated facilities, which may otherwise alleviate the need for a speed limit change.
The amended Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 provides for the introduction of 40mph Zones without the need for DfT authorisation.
40mph Zones are the our preferred approach in areas where a 40mph speed limit is to be introduced in a wide area encompassing several roads.
A major advantage of a 40mph Zone over a 40mph speed limit is the reduced level of signage required. The zonal approach does not require the placement of repeater signage within the zone, which over a large area can be significant and have a negative impact on the rural surroundings in which they are placed. Instead repeater signage will be introduced in the form of speed limit roundels placed on the road surface. These are less intrusive and more sensitive to the rural surroundings.
Appendix E sets out a plan of existing and proposed 40mph Zones in the borough.
The introduction of 40mph Zones will only be considered where existing speeds are already within the accepted thresholds set out in table 3 or measures can be introduced to achieve compliance.
We, through DfT approval, introduced the first 40mph Zone outside of a National Park, when a 40mph Zone was introduced in the west of the borough in 2015.
20mph zones
DfT Circular 01/13 Setting local speed limits prioritises the need for Traffic Authorities to introduce more 20mph limits and zones in urban areas and built-up village streets that are primarily residential, to ensure greater safety for pedestrians and cyclists.
The benefits of 20mph Zones include:
- improved environment for pedestrians and cyclists;
- reduced noise pollution;
- accidents of lower severity;
- fewer accidents;
- less 'rat running' through residential streets;
- reduced street clutter due to fewer repeater signs when compared to 20mph speed limits (TAL 1/13);
- improved community interaction, and;
- safer streets for children to play.
20mph zones will be implemented in Gateshead in accordance with Appendix A, which draws on the recommendation set out in the DfT Circular and will be programmed in accordance with Council Cabinet approval.
20mph zones will also be implemented in accordance with the following national guidance/regulations;
- Road Humps/Traffic Calming Regulations 1999
- Traffic Advisory Leaflets
- Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions (2016)
- Highways Act 1980
As 20mph zones are self-regulating there is no expectation on the police to carry out speed enforcement within such zones unless a specific issue is highlighted. Where zones are implemented and speeds remain above the accepted level consideration will be given to the introduction of further physical measures to ensure compliance.
20mph zones, which are self-regulating through road conditions (for example, road width, junctions) and other measures such as traffic calming (for example, road humps, speed cushions), remain our preferred approach to implementing and managing 20mph speed limits in areas where there are high pedestrian movements.
Evidence suggest that introducing 20mph speed limits without any physical traffic calming has minimal impact on vehicle speeds and are therefore only suitable where 85th percentile speeds are already at 24mph or less. A research study in 2018 found that where signed 20mph speed limits had been introduced in the UK there was found to be an average reduction in the 85th percentile speed of just 1.1mph.
A programme of 20mph Zone schemes has been implemented in Gateshead since the original Speed Management Plan was approved in 2007. This programme of schemes was targeted specifically at locations which fell into one of the following three categories:
- town or local centres
- schools
- existing traffic calmed areas.
The majority of the schemes identified in the original programme will be completed by the end of the 2020/21 financial year.
The future programme of 20mph Zone schemes will focus mainly on residential areas which did not fall within the original scope, such as those where there is no existing traffic calming. The programme will also include further investment in existing 20mph Zones where compliance with the speed limit has reduced over time.
A list of proposed 20mph zones is set out in Appendix C and an indicative plan set out in Appendix D. A lack of any existing traffic calming in these areas means that they will typically require a higher level of investment than those previously implemented. As such the number of schemes which can be completed annually within the available capital budget will be comparatively low and the timescale for implementation could extend beyond the 10 year life cycle of this plan.
When implementing 20mph Zones on existing streets, speed surveys will be carried out to determine existing speeds. Where the 85th percentile is already 24mph or less no traffic calming features will be introduced. Only where existing 85th percentile speeds exceed 24mph will physical traffic calming measures be considered necessary (a minimum of one feature is required in each zone to comply with TSGRD 2016.)
Wherever possible, particularly in rural and semi-rural village locations, 20mph zones will be designed so as not to be bordered by speed limits greater than 40mph. Where a proposed 20mph zone will border a speed limit in excess of 40mph a section of intermediate speed limit will be introduced to prevent sudden braking and poor adherence to the 20mph limit.
Research into vehicle emissions in 20mph speed limits and zones has concluded that such speed management measures, including those involving vertical traffic calming, would not result in poorer air quality in those areas.xvii Recent Transport for London research supports this '20mph zones do not appear to worsen air quality and they dramatically reduce road danger. They also support a shift to walking and cycling, generate less traffic noise and reduce community severance.'
Other speed limits
Variable and advisory 20mph limits
The use of part time and advisory speed limits will not be considered, particularly in relation to 20mph Zones around schools. It is the our view that such restrictions are not effective and are contrary to the ongoing introduction of 20mph Zones in the borough. Introducing part time speed limits will increase uncertainty and suitably robust measures cannot be installed to ensure the lower speed limit is self-enforcing.
Ultra Low Speed Limits
There are locations, such as Home Zones, where even vehicle speeds of 20mph may be considered inappropriate. In these locations lower speeds will be achieved through street design which ensures that vehicles cannot be driven at speeds significantly in excess of walking pace. This will often include the provision of community facilities such as play equipment, seating and the like within the streetscape to encourage more social interaction and higher levels of pedestrian movement whilst also acting as a physical restriction to vehicle movement. Home Zone designs will be considered within new residential developments but will not typically be retrofitted into existing streets. Home Zones should be designed in accordance with Gateshead Council's Home Zone Design Guide.