Gateshead Speed Management Plan (SMP)
6. Enforcement and education
In this section
- Safety Camera Strategy / Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative (NSRI)
- Speed monitoring
- Education and publicity
Safety Camera Strategy/ Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative (NSRI)
As shown in figure 18 public attitudes towards speed cameras have changed significantly over the past twelve years with 60% of people in 2017 believing speed cameras save lives when compared to 42% in 2005. In the same period the number of people who consider there to be too many speed cameras has also fallen from 47% to 29%.
The Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative (NSRI) is a partnership co-ordinating road safety interventions within the Northumbria Police Force area. Although the Police withdrew from the original partnership in 2016, moves are underway to re-establish this. This will provide a new basis for joint working between local authorities and Northumbria Police, including the Safety Camera Strategy and publicity and educational initiatives.
In order to help achieve its aim of casualty reduction it is important that the scheme is publicised. To this end a communications team has been appointed that runs a proactive media and publicity campaign to help ensure that the public are fully informed of the scheme's activities.
Included in the media campaign are coordinated press releases, advertising, event attendance and social media activity.
Speed Monitoring Network/Traffic and Accident Data Unit (TADU)
Some 120 locations across the borough, including sites of permanent and mobile safety cameras, have traffic monitoring equipment installed in the carriageway. Many of these sites are capable of measuring traffic speeds, meaning that these can be monitored, with a view to determining changes over time. In this way, the impact of the SMP and its associated initiatives can be monitored.
The locations and data from these speed counters is made available publicly on an annual basis on a web-based interactive dashboard, visit Traffic Accident Data Unit (TADU) (opens new window), whilst we use a background database for more detailed analysis of traffic speeds.
Our officers in conjunction with the Tyne and Wear Traffic and Accident Data Unit (TADU) will utilise the data gathered from the speed monitoring network in conjunction with accident data to assess the requirement for speed management measures. This will be carried out annually and will involve analysis of accident clusters and assessment of locations where 85th percentile speeds exceed an acceptable level. The process of accident analysis is summarised in figure 19 below.
In addition to the identification of problem sites the assessment of accidents will also attempt to identify trends linked to particular demographics or road user types, which may inform future targeted education programmes.
Figure 19 - Accident analysis cycle
Education and publicity
One of the key objectives identified within DfT circular 01/13 is an improved respect for speed limits, and in turn improved compliance. The main way that this can be achieved is through education and publicity.
It is, therefore, essential to continue with ongoing campaigns, both locally and nationally, which highlight the problems that inappropriate or excessive speed can create and in doing so ensure that the issue has a high profile in the minds of the public.
In July 2019 the government released a Road Safety Action Plan, aimed at reducing the number of people killed or seriously injured on UK roads.
The plan includes:
- continued support to the THINK Campaign with one of the focuses being speeding
- creation of a Rural Road Users Advisory Panel to discuss actions needed on issues such as rural speeding and speed limits
- funding for RoSPA to deliver education to motorcyclists on issues such as speed
We will continue to subscribe to Road Safety Great Britain (RSGB) as well as being a key partner within the regional RSGB North East working group to promote its own and other new and established national road safety campaigns.
A regional approach to road safety education and publicity will continue to allow resources to be pooled and enable procurement of a specialist digital marketing company to undertake the promotional works on behalf of the member authorities.
The Northumbria Safer Roads Initiative (NSRI), has continued to develop and implement a programme of road safety campaign work, targeting specific high-risk groups such as young drivers and raising awareness of the safety camera partnership works. Current moves to re-establish Northumbria Police as a key member of NSRI should help reinforce the scope for future activity.