Domestic vehicle crossing notes for guidance
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On this page:
- Payment
- Refusal of application
- Notification period
- Approval of application
- Advice on completing the form
- Figures and diagrams
The application fee is £249
This is an administration fee only which is non-refundable.
Payment can be made by card if you choose to apply online, or by cheque if you are unable to complete the online application form for any reason.
Cheques should made payable to Gateshead Council and should be sent by post together with your application form to:
Gateshead Council
Highways and Waste
Network Management
Civic Centre
Regent Street
Refusal of application
Gateshead Council reserves the right to refuse any application for a vehicular crossing or access over a public highway. All decision is final and there is no formal appeals process.
Notification period
Please note it can take around 10 weeks from receipt of your application to receive notification of our decision.
Approval of application
Gateshead Council will notify you if your application is approved and will forward you the contact details for the councils team who you will need to contact in order to obtain a quote for undertaking the works.
Advice on completing the form
Please see additional advice and guidance for each application question below.
1. Do you own the property at the proposed crossing location or is it rented?
As part of your application, we will require written confirmation from your landlord, housing association or similar to confirm that you have permission to proceed with the works associated with the application.
2. Is your house located within a conservation area or is it a listed building?
If your property is within a conservation zone you may require planning permission prior to proceeding with a domestic vehicular crossing application.
Read our for further information.
If your property is within a conservation zone and you have planning permission a copy of your planning permission should be attached to your application.
If you are unsure if your property is within a conservation zone further details are available on our conservation areas page.
3. Do you have an existing vehicular crossing?
If your property has any current vehicular crossings this should be included even if they are on different streets or locations. We do not allow multiple crossings on the same street from a single property.
If you intend to extend an existing crossing, please note the maximum width is 6.3 metres (including taper kerbs and your existing crossing). Any applications over and above this will be refused.
4. Do you require a single or double width crossing?
Indicate if you require a single or double width crossing to accommodate your proposed hard standing within your property.
5. Is the parking area a minimum of 5m in length?
This distance is measured at right angles to the road.
If your property has an existing garage with an up and over garage door the minimum length required is 5.5m. Appendix 2 shows further guidance as to how this should be measured.
If the proposed works include gates, then they must not open outwards on to the public highway and must be contained with the curtilage of the property.
Any applications with less than the required length of parking area will be refused.
6. Do you live close to a road junction?
If your proposed driveway is close to a road junction your application may be refused. Your proposed driveway must be more than 15m of a major road junction (Classified as an A, B or C Road, or used as a bus route or is the main road through your estate), or 10m from any other junction.
If your drive is opposite the junction then please contact Gateshead Council for advice. Appendix 1 shows the minimum distance acceptable from junctions
Any application which is within the minimum distance set out in appendix 1 will be refused.
7. Will the dropped kerb crossing be located on a Classified Road (A, B or C classified highway)?
If your property is on a classified road then you will require planning prior to proceeding with a domestic vehicular crossing application.
Read our for additional details.
If you already have planning permission a copy of this should be included with this application.
8. Do you live close to a bus stop?
The definition of close is within 18m of the bus stop 'flag' where the bus stop is located on the same side of the carriageway as your property resulting in a stationary bus obstructing your driveway.
Any application within the minimum distance will be refused.
9. Are there any trees near the proposed crossing?
Any trees within or likely to be affected by any proposed crossing will need to be inspected by the councils arboriculture officer.
We will deal with this as part of the application process.
10. Is there a grass verge between the boundaries of the property and the carriageway?
A grass verge is an area of landscaping located between the boundaries of your property and the carriageway which is maintained by us but not adopted as highway verge.
Other grassed areas not adopted as part of the highway by us would need the permission from the relevant landowner.
If a grass verge is present, then this will remain, and a system of grass reinforcement will be required which will still allow vehicle access but allow water to percolate into the ground.
Other grassed areas, not adopted as part of the highway verge, are often classed under Section 20 of the Open Spaces Act 1906 (opens new window) as public open space. Permission for a dropped kerb crossing will not be permitted.
The provision of a concrete or 'tarmac' crossing is not permitted. The design of this will be included when you obtain a quotation for the work.
11. Are there any street lighting Columns/BT poles/street furniture near to where you would like the crossing?
The proposed crossing needs to be 1 meter from any utility apparatus.
Relocation of any apparatus would need to be agreed with and procured through the utility provider. This should not be progressed until you have a successful application.
It may be possible to relocate street lighting columns (lamp posts) and that will be included when you obtain a quotation for the work.
12. Are there any ironwork such as manhole covers in the footway or verge?
Some of the covers within footways are not suitable for vehicles and if any are present where the crossing is proposed these may need to be amended.
Changes to the type and level of covers would need to be agreed with and procured through the utility provider. This should not be progressed until you have a successful application.
13. Is there a parking bay or utility or service strip in front of the property?
A parking bay is usually indicated using road markings (white lines) or in the form of a layby.
If there is a utility/service strip to the front of the property, then an application may be successful, but the 5 metres required for the parking area can not include this area.
If you are not certain this will be assessed as part of the application.
Any application with a parking bay to the front of the property will be refused.
14. Is there a steep verge or footway outside your property?
To prevent grounding any verge or footway where the crossing joins the carriageway (road) must be less than 1:6 gradient.
Any application more than this will be refused.
If you are not certain this will be assessed as part of the application.
15. Can a 2x2metre clear line of sight (visibility splay) be achieved to the left and right of the proposed drive?
Appendix 3 gives further guidance on how this is measured.
If you are not certain this will be assessed as part of the application.
If this visibility cannot be achieved, then an application would be refused.
16. Can the parking area within your property be built so that water does not drain from it onto the highway?
It is an offence under the Highways Act to discharge water across the Highway. As such any application will need to show how the drainage of water will be dealt with.
Any application which does not show how the drainage of water will be addressed or shows the area to be draining on to the highway will be refused.
17. Does anyone other than the property owner have access rights across the land you wish to park on/cross over?
If yes, you must provide written details of the access rights.
Appendix 1

Your proposed driveway must be more than 15m from a major road junction (Classified A, B or C Road, or used as a bus route or is the main road through your estate), or 10m from any other junction.
Appendix 2

Appendix 3
Pedestrian visibility splays must be provided as shown. Clear sight lines must be available at a level of 0.6m above the adjacent carriageway level.