Since 2006, SCAPE has successfully delivered more than 12,000 public sector projects across the UK.
Developed in partnership with five other local authorities, SCAPE offers a suite of nationally recognised 'direct award' construction, consultancy and civil engineering frameworks, property services and architectural design solutions.
SCAPE's approach is collaborative, compliant with public procurement regulations and underpinned by robust governance and performance management processes, useful digital experiences and clear, practical advice.
The team also recognise that success is measured by community outcomes as well as construction excellence. For SCAPE, ethical supply chain treatment, site safety, sustainable delivery and community enrichment holds the same importance as time, cost and quality.
As a shareholder, we play an active role in the development of SCAPE's strategy though ongoing governance, the provision of a forward pipeline and we are active users of SCAPE's services.
Together with their local authority shareholder colleagues, SCAPE are proud to play their part in creating spaces and places that leave a strong, sustainable legacy for the community.