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The Local List

The Local List is a list of buildings, structures, parks and gardens (including cemeteries and open spaces) that have special architectural or historic interest which is an important part of the Borough's heritage. The Local List is different to listed buildings and registered historic parks and gardens; it is not a statutory designation is not supported by any legislation. Under the NPPF locally listed heritage assets may be referred to as 'non-designated heritage assets'. The Local List does not include any historic buildings or sites which have national significance, only those which are significant to Gateshead.

Being included on the Local List does not introduce any new planning controls. It does recognise their importance and planning decisions are required by the NPPF to take into account their special local architectural or historic significance.

A list of the buildings, parks and gardens included on the Local List can be found in Appendix 5 of the 2007 Unitary Development Plan (PDF, 21 MB)(opens new window).

View a map of the buildings, parks and gardens included on the Local List (opens new window)

Local List

The Local List was updated in 2022 following extensive public consultation.  The final list was approved by Cabinet on 24 January 2023. 

This list was assessed using the following criteria:

  • The term "site" is herein used as an umbrella term and describes, where applicable: a building or structure (fragmented or complete), landscape, open space, park, cemetery, square, city block, garden, and so on.
  • Sites younger than thirty years old will be considered but must be of exceptional local interest. Sites which are less than ten years will not be listed.   

For the listing of buildings and structures  

Must meet at least one of the criteria below:

  • Historic interest: Does the site relate to the social, material, economic, religious, political, or military history of the area?  
  • Architectural interest: Is the site a representative example of a particular building material, type, design, or technique? Does the site display innovation in technology, decoration, or craftsmanship?  
  • Associative interest: Is the site related to significant local or national figures or historic events? Is the site a creation of a locally important architect (amateur or professional)? 
  • Townscape interest: Is the site a key visual feature of the region? I.e., does it create views over the region or contribute to the skyline? Does it emphasize a site or create a focal point in the townscape? 

Bonus criteria 

These count towards the eligibility of the nominated site, and may enhance its consideration for addition to the Local List 

  • Group value: Do several sites together form a "group", whereby inclusion in this group enhances the individual sites' importance? Is this group an example of historic or innovative town planning in the region? 
  • Age and rarity: The older the site and more original its condition, the more significant it is considered to be, and therefore more likely to be considered for inclusion on the list 

For the listing of parks, gardens, cemeteries, and open spaces  

Must meet at least one of the criteria below 

  • Historic design interest: Is the site an early representative example of the development of particular styles, tastes, layouts, or type? 
  • Townscape interest: Is the site a key visual feature of the region? I.e., does it create views over the region or contribute to the skyline? Does it emphasize a site or create a focal point in the townscape? 
  • Associative interest: is the site associated with an architect or designer (amateur or professional) who is historically significant to the region? 

For the listing of archaeological sites, finds, and spaces 

Must meet the archaeological eligibility as well as at least one additional criterion 

  • Archaeological Eligibility: Does the list qualify for entry on the HER (Historic Environment Record) and is there strong enough supporting evidence for the existence of the site? 

Additional criteria 

Must meet at least one of the additional criteria below 

  • Archaeological interest: Does the site contain evidence of the region's past, in terms of landscape, structures, objects or deposits relating to social, political, economic, religious history?  
  • Associative interest: Is the site associated with a significant institution or archaeologist of local or national interest, or related to developments in the field of archaeology? Alternatively, does the site relate to any folklore, mythology, or known local story? 

What it means if your property has been nominated

The Local List is a grouping of sites that are reflective of the history, architecture, and values of the local community. So, having your property nominated for the List means that it is valuable to the community in some way. Being added to the Local List is an additional consideration during the planning process but does not prevent you from submitting any applications, nor will any extra steps be required in the application process.