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Accommodation and support services

This is an overarching Pseudo Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the provision of Accommodation and/or Support the lots available are as follows;

  • Lot 1 Accommodation
  • Lot 2 Support
  • Lot 3 Accommodation and Support
  • Lot 4 Innovation

Additional lots may be added during the contract duration. 

Those Providers appointed to the Pseudo Framework will bid for provision as and when a package becomes available.  There is no guarantee of any business under any contract awarded.

The Pseudo Framework will remain open, and Providers will be able to be appointed to the Pseudo Framework, until the Council, in its absolute discretion, considers sufficient providers to have been appointed to meet its total need for Home Care provision.

Contract start date: September 2019

End date: Ongoing

Contact: Kerry Leece