Warm Spaces
- Introduction
- Creating Warm Spaces for people in Gateshead
- Sharing Warm Spaces for Gateshead
- Warm Spaces Gateshead Charter
There is a cost-of-living crisis in the UK resulting in unprecedented pressures on people already in poverty, and despite the support given by Government, thousands of people in Gateshead are being forced to make tough decisions about when and what they eat, what they can do in life, and when they can afford to heat their home.
Building on the great work we did together during the pandemic, we have worked with our partners to create a network of Warm Spaces, a group of places where Gateshead people can come together to stay warm.
We have created a directory of all the places available to our residents across the public, private, health and voluntary sectors so that anyone who is cold knows where they can go to get warm, stay warm and enjoy a little company and some hot refreshments.
View our warm spaces directory
Sharing Warm Spaces for Gateshead
If you already offer this type of facility, read about what you can expect expect if you offer a Warm Space and how to sign up to our directory - find out more.
Warm Spaces Gateshead Charter
You'll get a warm welcome as well as Warm Space
Every time you come to a Warm Space you'll be given a warm welcome from the staff and volunteers there.
Everyone is treated equally, with dignity and respect
Everyone has a right to be warm, so everyone in a Warm Space treats people, and is treated by people, with dignity and respect.
Your Warm Space will be a safe space
Your Warm Space will stick to the safeguarding policies that it always uses, and it will stick to food hygiene rules too!
We'll not tell anyone about you needing a Warm Space
If you want to share the reasons you need a Warm Space, someone will listen, but they won't tell anyone else unless you give them permission, or they must because of their safeguarding policies.
It doesn't matter why you need a Warm Space
Every Warm Space is a non-judgemental space; whatever the reason you have for needing to come in, you'll be treated the same and never judged.