Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027
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Everyone should have a safe place to call home. This home needs to be affordable and a settled base from which people can ultimately thrive. Despite this, a significant number of our residents are either made homeless, or live in the fear that they soon will be. This Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy sets out a clear vision to prevent and end homelessness, in all forms, in Gateshead over the next five years.
We recognise that homelessness is complex, and a much wider issue than rough sleeping alone. Many people live in precarious or unsuitable homes, in temporary or emergency accommodation, or accommodated by family and friends. It is not something that can be resolved by housing solutions alone. In Gateshead the most prevalent causes of homelessness are domestic abuse and the ending of private sector tenancies, so these will be areas of significant focus in the work ahead alongside addressing youth homelessness. We also know homelessness has a substantial impact on the lives of those affected, often resulting in inequality, poverty, and poor health and wellbeing. For some, homelessness and rough sleeping can be a result of more long-established and complex issues including offending and substance misuse.
We will work together to prevent all forms of homelessness, minimise repeat and long-term occurrences, and ensure sustainable, personalised solutions that focus on individual need and aspiration. Everyone's experience of homelessness is different, and we will adopt a personalised approach where individuals determine their own solutions.
Reflecting on the past 12-18 months, we have seen our employees and our partners work incredibly hard to deliver the national 'everyone in' programme during COVID-19. This Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy aims to build on that commitment and momentum to drive forward change, outlining our vision, four key strategic aims and the detail of how we will achieve those aims. The strategy has been developed collaboratively with partners and informed by feedback from those affected by homelessness. We believe everyone deserves a good quality of life, to be healthy and safe, and have somewhere they can call home.
Key to supporting the delivery of this strategy is a major review of homelessness provision (currently under way), a new digital Homelessness Charter and a new Homelessness Forum to embed a partnership approach in delivering this strategy. We are also working with our neighbouring authorities on our Changing Futures programme, which will see broader homelessness transformation for those with multiple complex needs.
We have a fantastic opportunity to rise to the challenge of ending homelessness. We look forward to delivering this work with our partners and seeing the positive impact this will have on our residents and communities.
Cllr John Adams, Cabinet Member for Housing
Cllr Lynne Caffrey, Chair of Gateshead Health Gateshead Council and Wellbeing Board