To prevent and end homelessness, in all forms, in Gateshead.
Our values
We believe in:
Delivering on the rights and needs of those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
Homelessness can happen to anyone at any time, generally associated with a period of crisis or trauma, including or linked to poverty, abuse, mental health, relationship breakdown and loss of employment. Some people are more at risk of homelessness than others, for example those who are leaving care or released from prison.
Everyone has a right to a good home including:
Living essentials - food, heating, water, furniture and white goods, clothes
To be safe - no violence, theft, abuse or discrimination
Equal treatment - respect, fair access to services
Good support - effective, the right fit, for the right amount of time
Listening to those with experience of homelessness
We want to listen to people with experience of homelessness to help us shape our services. We also want homeless people involved in co-producing the services that they require, and this could also include their involvement in developing a commissioning strategy.
Enabling a personalised approach
Everyone's experience of homelessness is different, and we want to adopt a personalised approach where individuals determine their own solutions. This will start with the assessment process and a personal plan, which will determine the most appropriate housing and support solutions for each individual. We will take an enabling approach in addressing any barriers faced by those who are homeless.
Providing high standards of communication, co-ordination and consistency in decisions
We will work together with our partners to provide good communication, co-ordination and consistency across all services
Being fair and transparent
We will treat people impartially and we will be clear, open and honest with people about their options, processes and decisions.
Our principles
Seeing potential, working with strengths
We want to adopt an approach that involves seeing the potential in individuals by valuing their skills and knowledge and building on their strengths. This approach does not ignore the challenges or the complexities of individuals' needs.
Listening, learning and responding through co-production
We want to enable homeless people and those at risk of homelessness to decide their own solutions and not have something forced on them. We want support workers to work in collaboration with people - helping people to do things for themselves. In this way, people can become co-producers of support, not passive consumers of support.
Working together, inclusively
We want to work together as a partnership to address homelessness. This will include partnership working between housing, health, social care, children's services, probation, the police and other agencies. The Homelessness Charter will enable other organisations to commit to its values and support the implementation of this strategy.
It's all about people
We want to adopt a person-centred approach where the person is placed at the centre of the service and treated as a person first. Support should focus on achieving the person's aspirations and be tailored to their needs and unique circumstances.
Our person-centred approach incorporates some or all of the following aspects - whatever is appropriate to that individual: