Aim 3: No-one sleeping rough or in unsuitable accommodation
End rough sleeping, the risk of rough sleeping and use of bed and breakfasts
This strategic aim is about ending rough sleeping in Gateshead so that no-one is bedded down on the streets. It is also about intervening to prevent those who are at risk of rough sleeping ending up on the streets due to living in unsuitable accommodation.
The number of people rough sleeping in Gateshead is very low. The street counts for the past two years have found zero rough sleepers and a review of the homelessness data for 2019/20 found that 20 rough sleepers were owed a relief duty. Gateshead has commissioned outreach services linked to rough sleeping, which have adopted a proactive approach over the past two years to moving people off the streets.
There is, however, a significant cohort who are at risk of rough sleeping and are part of the street population. This cohort has multiple complex needs including mental health and substance misuse problems and most are sofa surfing or living in other unsuitable accommodation. As today's sofa surfers may become tomorrow's rough sleepers, all partners need to be involved with this cohort.
The main agencies in Gateshead involved with rough sleepers, or those at risk of rough sleeping, have found that the most effective approach to addressing these needs is to case manage on an individual basis. This involves adopting a personalised approach to understanding the history of individuals, with organisations coming together to case manage the next steps.
There are significant issues with accessing mental health support for those who have drug and alcohol problems. The mental health services are not set up for rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping, as these individuals do not keep appointments and often need out of hours support.
Strong partnerships are needed to address the needs of those who are rough sleeping. A prototype Connected Services partnership approach has been developed in relation to the hub for people who are at risk of homelessness or rough sleeping. This partnership includes:
Oasis Community Housing (drop-in centre)
Housing and Homelessness Services - two homelessness officers
Northumbria Police
A nurse practitioner
A mental health link worker (part funded by Housing)
Link to DWP
We have identified a need to provide crisis accommodation for those who are rough sleeping or are at risk of rough sleeping. This crisis accommodation needs to be provided as self-contained units due to risks around Covid.
Work in partnership with health services to better address the health needs of rough sleepers and those at risk of rough sleeping, including access to primary care.
Further develop the prototype Connected Services model for providing a co-ordinated response to rough sleeping and those at risk of rough sleeping in partnership with other agencies.
Continue to develop a personalised case management approach to rough sleepers and those at risk of sleeping rough so that bespoke solutions can be developed.
Develop a Regional Reconnections protocol with other local authorities in the region, where rough sleepers are reconnected to the authorities with which they have a connection.
Ensure sufficient provision of appropriate 24/7 crisis accommodation for a diversity of needs to prevent homelessness and rough sleeping and to reduce reliance on Bed and Breakfasts.
Develop a protocol with social care colleagues for those rough sleepers that are likely to be eligible under the Care Act and for those with no recourse to public funds (NRPF), including those at risk of rough sleeping.
Provide outreach support to people in very insecure accommodation who are at risk of homelessness and rough sleeping.
How will we measure success?
No one sleeping rough on the streets
No one forced to live in transient or dangerous accommodation such as tents, squats and non-residential buildings
No one living in emergency accommodation, such as shelters and hostels, without a plan for rapid rehousing into supported accommodation or affordable, suitable and sustainable homes