This strategic aim is about preventing repeat homelessness and breaking the homelessness cycle. The recommissioned homelessness pathway will need to identify the most appropriate housing and support options for those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Placing people in inappropriate accommodation can lead to repeat homelessness. For example, living in shared supported housing may exacerbate the support needs of some individuals.
Rehousing homeless people quickly into mainstream housing does not necessarily lead to tenancy sustainment, as a quick offer may not be in an area of choice. Also, placing people who have multiple complex needs into mainstream housing without appropriate support may result in tenancy breakdown.
There is an opportunity, with the development of a tenancy strategy, to look at what Gateshead is doing in terms of escalating those new tenancies for someone with a history of mental health problems, substance misuse or offending. This process can ensure that tenancy sustainment is being monitored and support put in place if required.
Sustainable accommodation can be achieved by supporting people in different ways. For some it may only require regular phone calls to provide reassurance, for example due to mental health issues. For others it may require regular visiting support that can be provided flexibly depending on needs.
The provision of floating support services is essential for those who have moved into a tenancy and have support needs, or those who are already a tenant and are at risk of homelessness. Floating support can intervene to prevent homelessness and can step up or step down depending on support needs.
Although Gateshead has a family mediation service for young people aged 16-17, there is an issue with other young people becoming homeless due to disputes with parents. A mediation service could be joined up with homelessness services for young people over the age of 18. Also, young people can move back to the family home due to financial hardship and this may result in a challenging situation, where mediation could support.
Repeat homelessness can be prevented through partnership working between agencies, e.g. housing, adult social care, children's services and probation. Sharing of information will be important to this process, including the use of information sharing protocols. The Duty to Refer process is also an important part of the process of preventing repeat homelessness.
We want to support homeless people into employment and other meaningful activities. Gateshead is already strategically involved with employment opportunities in the borough. This includes the front door of Working Gateshead, as well as opportunities related to projects such as gardening. Access to learning new skills is available, including numeracy and literacy. Due to the recovery from Covid there have been increased employment vacancies and the key issue is to enable homeless people to engage with the opportunities that are available.
We can learn from those with experience of homelessness to understand what works and how we could do better. This experience can be used to co-produce services to make homelessness a one-off occurrence and to prevent homelessness occurring in the first place.
Ensure the availability of floating support for those who are at risk of losing their tenancy as well as those who move on from supported housing to independent accommodation.
Develop a private sector accommodation and support model for ex-offenders, including the options of living in their own flat as well as shared housing if required (to reduce isolation).
Work with colleagues in Probation to develop formalised pathways and protocols for those with a history of offending.
Implement the Changing Futures programme and further develop the homelessness prototype for those with complex needs.
Work with partners to prevent homelessness due to domestic abuse and ensure rapid rehousing for people who are made homeless due to domestic abuse.
Develop best practice for supported housing and floating support to enable people to learn the life skills to sustain their tenancies.
Enable previously homeless people, and those at risk of homelessness, to access employment and learning opportunities, including supporting engagement with the Work in Gateshead front door and any initiatives through the community renewal fund.
Explore whether the Council's mediation service can be extended to young people over the age of 18.
Review the pathways for homeless people with multiple or complex needs, including mental health, and dual diagnosis to improve customer journey.
Listen to and acknowledge the views of those with lived experience of homelessness and use these to co-produce services.
How will we measure success?
A reduction in the number of tenancy breakdowns of those who have been subject to a homelessness duty.
A reduction in the number of people owed a duty as a result of repeat homelessness.
The number of tenancies sustained/disputes resolved where individuals have previously been homeless.