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Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027

Implementation of the strategy

Millennium Bridge at night
We will produce a delivery plan with our partners, using the actions developed for each of the four strategic aims, as outlined in this strategy. We have a shared commitment across our key partners and stakeholders to support the delivery of this strategy, as the achievement of our vision is dependent upon their contribution.

As part of the delivery process, we will agree a commissioning strategy, which will include a new pathway model and systems change.

The Strategic Housing Board and the Health and Wellbeing Board will have oversight of the implementation of the strategy and will monitor and review progress.

Gateshead Council and the Housing Providers Partnership will jointly own the strategy. The intention is to establish a Homelessness Forum under the auspices of the Housing Providers Partnership to be responsible for delivery and it will include other partners. A project team will be established to drive the changes and lead partners will be identified for the delivery of specific actions.