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Developing the future of Gateshead

Metrocentre A1 aerial

We have recently launched a 'Call for Sites' and it will be open for submissions of potential development sites until Sunday 23 October 2022.

A 'Call for Sites' is a way for landowners, developers, individuals and other interested individuals to suggest sites in Gateshead for development, and to let us know when they may be available. This process will ensure that we have up-to-date evidence of the availability of potential development sites across the borough, in line with government guidance.

Anyone could submit sites for a wide range of uses, though none of these suggestions will hold any planning status at this stage.  

An online digital portal has been developed to help deliver an easier, more efficient and transparent service for landowners and communities which allows users to propose sites and submit supporting information directly.

We currently consider there are no exceptional circumstances that would justify taking land out of the Green Belt to accommodate housing or commercial uses. Therefore, greenfield Green Belt sites will not be considered for housing or for other uses not in line with national Green Belt policy. However, brownfield sites within the existing Green Belt can be put forward, whilst some uses (such as some leisure uses) could take place in the Green Belt without being considered inappropriate development, and can therefore be submitted.

The Call for Sites will be live until Sunday 23 October 2022. All submitted sites will then be assessed for their suitability and availability to be developed, and a Consultation Report will be produced setting out the sites submitted and the results of this assessment.  Anyone who has submitted a site will be notified once the Consultation Report is published.  

Find out more information or submit a site for development (opens new window)

Metrocentre A1 aerial
06 September 2022

We have recently launched a 'Call for Sites' and it will be open for submissions of potential development sites until Sunday 23 October 2022.

A 'Call for Sites' is a way for landowners, developers, individuals and other interested individuals to suggest sites in Gateshead for development, and to let us know when they may be available. This process will ensure that we have up-to-date evidence of the availability of potential development sites across the borough, in line with government guidance.

Anyone could submit sites for a wide range of uses, though none of these suggestions will hold any planning status at this stage.  

An online digital portal has been developed to help deliver an easier, more efficient and transparent service for landowners and communities which allows users to propose sites and submit supporting information directly.

We currently consider there are no exceptional circumstances that would justify taking land out of the Green Belt to accommodate housing or commercial uses. Therefore, greenfield Green Belt sites will not be considered for housing or for other uses not in line with national Green Belt policy. However, brownfield sites within the existing Green Belt can be put forward, whilst some uses (such as some leisure uses) could take place in the Green Belt without being considered inappropriate development, and can therefore be submitted.

The Call for Sites will be live until Sunday 23 October 2022. All submitted sites will then be assessed for their suitability and availability to be developed, and a Consultation Report will be produced setting out the sites submitted and the results of this assessment.  Anyone who has submitted a site will be notified once the Consultation Report is published.  

Find out more information or submit a site for development (opens new window)

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