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Market position statement

The Care Act 2014 is clear that local authorities have a responsibility to promote the wellbeing of the entire local population, not just those whose care they currently fund. In order to do this, local authorities need to move away from being an influence on the care market solely through their own purchasing decisions and are now required to shape the market proactively. Our Market Position Statement (MPS) sets out our future direction in terms of shaping the market to meet future demand. 

We want to support and encourage providers to develop personalised, integrated care and support services in Gateshead that offer quality and choice for customers. To support providers achieve this aim, our MPS has been developed with the aim to take a fresh look at the social care and health market locally. This takes into account work underway to provide integrated support service,s and provide a tool to help providers identify opportunities and make decisions about how to develop their services in Gateshead that could maximise impact and success of a redesigned or new service offer.

Our MPS includes information that will help providers to:

  • grow your business - it can help providers make decisions about which services to invest in for the future. It includes detailed intelligence on current levels of activity and forecasts future supply and demand
  • identify gaps in the market
  • respond to new business opportunities - it can help providers to find out about customer demand

The MPS will inform planning and decision-making by commissioners and providers. The content takes into account the wider public policy context in which social care support is commissioned and delivered. It includes detailed intelligence on current levels of activity and forecasts future supply and demand.

The information contained in the MPS will help commissioners to develop the creative, efficient and cost-effective approaches required to address local need in a climate of reducing resources, public service reform and personalisation that will see more people holding personal budgets and making decisions about how their care is provided.

Our MPS is held on a digital portal which is updated as and when our new data is published.

View our market position statement (opens new window)

You can also download our Market Position Statement as a PDF (PDF, 311 KB)(opens new window).