Becoming an approved provider
Procurement is an important driving force for identifying and realising cost efficiencies and guiding the improvement of value for money in our annual spend. Our procurement team work closely with local business support organisations to ensure improved access to business opportunities with the council, and assists Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) organisations to understand and engage with the tender process and produce quality responses to invitations to tender.
Social care commissioners and the procurement team work closely to design procurements that are sensitive to local market conditions and take account of the views of providers. Our tender opportunities are available on (opens new window)
Within the suppliers area of the NEPO portal website providers can:
- register for free
- receive notification emails of new tender opportunities that match your company criteria
- search for current tender opportunities
Current framework opportunities include:
The Learning Disability Dynamic Purchasing framework "Support at Home and in the Community" allows providers to join the new learning disability framework at any time. We would welcome discussions and encourage new providers to come on to the new framework.
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