Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027

- Our vision
- Values
- Principles
- Strategic aims
The Homelessness Act 2002 requires local housing authorities to take strategic responsibility for tackling and preventing homelessness and to formulate a homelessness strategy at least every five years. This homelessness and rough sleeping strategy has been developed using the findings of our recent homelessness review.
Developing a strategic approach to addressing homelessness and rough sleeping enables us to develop a wider partnership approach. Homelessness is not just about housing, as life events can cause homelessness and a significant number of people have underlying issues such as substance misuse and mental health problems. This means that, in addition to housing, some people need support services or access to specialist services.
The strategy includes actions that will need to be delivered on a systems-wide basis, involving the Council working closely with internal and external partners. This means working closely with Adult Social Care and Children's Services as well as other partners including health, housing providers and the voluntary and community sector.
The strategy covers the five-year period 2022-2027 and will be subject to a light-touch review annually, particularly in the event of significant policy or funding changes.