Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2022-2027
Strategic aims

Aim 1: Make homelessness a rare occurrence
Aim 2: Where homelessness occurs, there will be positive outcomes for people
Aim 3: No-one sleeping rough or in unsuitable accommodation
Aim 4: Homelessness is a one-off occurrence
The key to achieving these aims is through partnership working. Gateshead is working towards a Connected Services Model to delivering housing and homelessness services. This innovative approach connects the Council and partner agencies, working collaboratively across housing, homelessness and linked support services to build positive outcomes for residents in Gateshead.
The figures below provide a breakdown of the 2,077 households who were assessed as being owed a homelessness duty by Gateshead during 2019/20:
Threatened with homelessness - Prevention duty owed: 1,609
Homeless - Relief duty owed: 468