Blaydon Community Larder

As part of Blaydon Churches Together we run a Community Larder for the residents in the West of Gateshead, where anyone can come to get food that has been donated by local community groups or collected from FareShare. Drop in, no referral needed.
Wednesday 1.30 to 3pm at St. Joseph's Church House Garage on the corner of Shibdon Road and West View, Blaydon
Suggested donation £1.
You may also wish to donate unwanted food that is in date or your time to volunteer to help run the larder.
We also take cash donations in person or via BACS.
For more information contact Alison Dare, Team Leader on 07436 425 412 or Rachel Charter on 07410 701 942.
St Joseph's Church House Garage
Shibdon Road
NE21 5AE
07436 425 412 or 07410 701 942Wednesdays, 1.30 to 3pm.