Youth Justice Strategic Plan Executive summary
Section 8 - Youth justice acronyms
- AA - appropriate adult (during police interviews)
- Accommodated - cared for by the local authority ('in care')
- ABH - actual bodily harm (assault)
- ACC - assistant chief constable
- ACCT - assessment, care in custody, and teamwork
- ACPO - association of chief police officers
- ADD - attention deficit disorder
- ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- AIM - assessment for sexually harmful behaviour
- ASB - anti social behaviour
- ASD - aspergers' spectrum disorder
- ASSET - YJS assessment system (offending)
- AYM - association of YOT managers
- BCS - British crime survey
- BAME - black, asian and ethic minority
- Breached(ed) - failure to comply with bail or court order
- BSS - bail supervision and support
- CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau
- CAF - common assessment framework
- CAFCASS - children and family court advisory support service
- CAPVA - child and adolescent to parent violence and abuse
- CHILDVIEW - case management system
- CIN - children in need (see Section 17)
- CJSeM - criminal justice secure email
- CJS - criminal justice services (e.g. all the services collectively)
- COSHH - control of substances hazardous to health (health and safety)
- CLR - critical learning review
- CPS - crown prosecution service
- CSPPI - community safeguarding and public protection incidents
- CRC - community rehabilitation company
- CSP - community safety partnership
- CYPS - children and young peoples' services (emotional health team)
- DFC - divert from charge
- DJ - district judge
- DTO - detention training order
- DV - domestic violence
- EBD - emotional and behavioural disorder (education)
- ECM - every child matter
- EIP - education inclusion panel
- ETE - education, training and employment
- FGC - family group conference
- FPN - fixed penalty notice
- FTE - first time entrants (to the youth justice system)
- TGHC - the Gateshead housing company
- HDC - home detention curfew (early release from custody)
- HMIP - His Majesty's inspectorate of probation
- HMYOI - (His Majesty's) young offender institution
- ICB - integrated care board
- ICT - information and communication technology
- IRO - independent reviewing officer
- ISO - individual support order (made with a civil ASBO)
- ISS - intensive supervision and surveillance order
- LAC - looked after child
- LASCH - local authority secure children's home
- LCJB - local criminal justice board
- LEA - local education authority
- Looked After - being cared for by the local authority ("in care")
- MAPPA - multi agency public protection arrangements
- MARAC - multi agency risk assessment meeting (domestic violence)
- MG Forms - standard forms for investigation and prosecution of crime (police and CPS)
- MOJ - ministry of justice
- NACRO - national association for the care and resettlement of offenders
- NAPO - national association of probation officers
- NEET - not in education or employment
- Newton hearing - a judicial decision about disputed facts in a court case
- NPS - national probation service
- OASys - offender assessment system (adult)
- OBP - offending behaviour programme
- OOCD - out of court disposal
- PACE codes - police and criminal evidence act - rules for police procedure
- PCC - police crime commissioner
- PENY - police E-notifications to YOTs (secure communication system)
- PLATFORM - young peoples' substance misuse
- PNC - police national computer
- PPP - pupil placement panel
- PRU - pupil referral unit
- PSR - pre-sentence report
- Revoke - to end a court order early (usually for good progress)
- RGN - registered general nurse
- RIC - remanded in custody
- RJ - restorative justice
- RJC - restorative justice council
- RSQM - restorative service quality mark
- RMN - registered mental nurse
- RTA - road traffic accident
- RYPP - respect young people's programme
- Safeguarding - general term for child protection and welfare issues
- Sanction detection - a solved crime resulting in punishment for the offender (police)
- Section 17 - support for children in need (Children Act 1989)
- Section 18 - wounding with intent for GBH (Offences against the person Act 1861)
- Section 20 - grievous bodily harm Assault (Offences Against the Person Act 1861)
- Section 20 - voluntary looked after (Children Act 1989)
- Section 31 - care order (Children Act 1989)
- Section 39 - common assault (Children Justice Act 1988)
- Section 47 - actual bodily harm assault (Offences Against the Person Act 1861)
- Section 90/91 - custodial sentence (Powers of Criminal Courts (sentencing) Act 2000)
- Sectioned - detained in a hospital because of mental health needs
- SEN - special educational needs
- SCR - serious case review (following serious incident)
- SLA - service level agreement
- SLCN - speech, language and communication needs
- STC - secure training centre
- SWIS - social workers in school
- TAF - team around the family
- TFS - targeted family support
- TIC - taken Into consideration
- TWOC - taking without owners' consent (car crime)
- ViSOR - violent and sex offenders register (supports MAPPA)
- VLO - victim liaison officer
- VRU - violence reduction unit
- YJMIS - youth justice management information system
- YJS - youth justice service
- YOI - young offenders institution
- YOLO - you only live once
- YOS - youth offending service
- YOT - youth offending team
- YRO - youth rehabilitation order