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Management and Maintenance Privacy Notice

Who are we and what do we do 

Council housing management and maintenance services provide the following services: 

  • we manage the Council housing stock  
  • handle Council tenants and leaseholder issues 
  • undertaking day to day repairs, statutory compliance works and planned maintenance programmes  
  • we manage tenancies and estates including neighbourhood relations, services for older persons and multi stories 
  • manage housing options team providing advice and assistance on housing and homelessness issues including appeals  
  • we collect and recover income for the Councils housing stock and households in temporary accommodation 
  • we facilitate the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) 

This privacy notice provides specific information about how we process your personal data. It is an addition to the information contained in our Corporate Privacy Notice.   

What type of information is collected about you  

We collect personal information to understand your needs and provide services. Information may include: 

  • name  
  • dates of birth  
  • contact details  
  • financial records (amount of money you have paid us) 
  • photographic ID   
  • information about residents from Council and private sector properties to facilitate Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) applications (including Occupational Therapist reports)  
  • your previous housing circumstances  
  • your needs and requirements to ensure our services are accessible; that we take account of any support needs in our dealings with you 
  • any incidences of threats or actual violence against council officers or workers  
  • noise recordings as part of any investigation into a complaint  
  • markers to alert staff of vulnerabilities such as mobility issues 

Information to assist us in delivering housing management services: 

  • reports of anti-social behaviour 
  • complaints 
  • change in circumstances 

CCTV systems may be in place, if you visit an estate, office or community facility which is covered by this facility. Any recordings will be held in accordance with our corporate retention policy before being erased. This data may be shared with the Police in relation to the prevention or detection of crime or fraud. We may carry out market research and customer satisfaction surveys to help us to monitor our performance and to improve our services to our customers. In some cases, you can refuse to provide your details if you deem a request to be inappropriate. However, you should note that this may impact on our ability to provide some services to you. 

How we collect information from you

Generally, the information we hold will have been provided by you through:  

  • application forms  
  • enquiry forms  
  • when we communicate with you  
  • through our website when submitting a complaints or anti-social behaviour report  

We may also hold information provided by third parties/sub-contractors for example: 

  • social workers  
  • health professionals  
  • doctors 
  • occupational therapists  

Upon visiting our website, cookies are used to collect information about website usage. You can see more information on how we collection web usage information on our cookies page. 

Why we need your information  

Our purpose for collecting personal information is to enable us to:  

  • help prevent tenancy fraud and illegal subletting 
  • manage the Council housing stock 
  • deal with Council tenants and leaseholder issues 
  • undertaking day to day repairs, statutory compliance works, and planned maintenance programmes 
  • collect and recover income for the Council's housing stock  
  • facilitate the Disabled Facilities Grants (DFG) 

Our lawful basis for processing your information is (Article 6 GDPR): 

  • consent 
  • performance of a contract to which data subject is party 
  • legal obligation to which the data controller is subject 
  • vital interests 
  • task in the public interest with a basis in law 

Legislation which sets out many of the tasks the service is required to undertake include: 

  • the Housing Act 1988, 1996, and 2004  
  • the Homelessness Act 2002   
  • Homelessness Reduction Act 2017  

For special category data which is more sensitive our lawful basis is (Article 9 GDPR): 

  • your explicit consent  
  • carrying out our obligations in the field of social security and social protection law 
  • to protect vital interests where you are physically or legally incapable of giving consent 
  • legal claims or judicial acts 
  • for reasons of substantial interest (with basis in law) 
  • health or social care (with a basis in law) 

Who your information can be shared with 

When sharing information we will comply with all aspects of the Data Protection Act 2018/the GDPR. Where necessary or required, we may share your personal information with the following: 

  • British Gas who provides utilities to new homes after they become void 
  • community partners in connection with the delivery of co-ordinated local services  
  • credit reference agencies and debt collection agencies, in connection with some housing applications and in relation to any outstanding charges  
  • our contractors, to undertake repairs, maintenance or improvement works 
  • other landlords, housing associations and trusts, in connection with tenancy references and associated enquiries  
  • market research companies to carry out customer satisfaction surveys to help to improve the services you receive 
  • utility companies (and their representatives) and Council Tax Offices, to ensure billing details are correct 

The Council is also signed up to CORE, the Continuous Recording of Lettings and Sales in Social Housing in England and shares your personal data with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government when you are signed up to a new tenancy. You can choose to object to this information being provided during the sign up process. 

If we wish to share your information with other council services or third parties for purposes outside of those listed above, we will ask for your permission. 

How long we will keep your information  

We keep your information for as long as we need to provide services to you. We may also need to keep your information in accordance with legal or other obligations. Where we have no need to keep your data it will be securely destroyed. We keep a Record of Processing Activity (a requirement under the GDPR). This sets out the specific retention periods applicable in different circumstances. For more information please contact

Where your information is held 

Your personal data is held on NEC, our housing management system and on shared internal drives.   

How you can update your information  

Our delivery of efficient services depends on the accuracy of your information. 

Please inform us of any changes to the following: 

  • email address 
  • personal circumstances 
  • postal address 
  • any of the other information we hold 

Please contact: 

Your information rights  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.  

Marketing and e-newsletters  

Please see our email marketing privacy notice.  

Business intelligence, profiling and automated-decision making  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.  

Protecting your information  

Please see the relevant section of our Corporate privacy notice.   

Data Protection Officer  

Data Protection Officer  

Civic Centre  

Regent Street  


NE8 1HH  

0191 433 3000  

Information Commissioner's Office  

The Information Commissioner is the UK's independent body for upholding information rights. Visit their website to find out more about your rights under Data Protection law, and what to expect from us. 

For privacy practices or data protection rights concerns, contact the Information Commissioner's Office:  

Information Commissioner's Office 

Wycliffe House 

Water Lane 


Cheshire SK9 5AF  

0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745