Order a bin
- if you have moved into a newly built property and have no bins, you will need to order and pay for new bins
- if you have moved into an older property and there are no bins, you will need to order and pay for replacement bins
- if you would like an additional bin, you can request one from our waste team (subject to eligibility)
- you can also request a different sized bin (subject to eligibility)
Please be aware that bins may be reconditioned and not brand new. All bins delivered will be clean and in good working order.
New bins
If you have moved to a property that has had no previous bins, such as a new build where bins have not been supplied by the builder, you will need to order new bins.
Every household is entitled to one household waste bin and one recycling bin.
We are no longer supplying caddies with recycling bins. All paper waste can be placed in the main part of your recycling bin.
You will only be able to order garden waste bins if your property is eligible for garden waste collections. To find out more about garden waste eligibility, visit our garden waste page.
Most properties will be issued a standard 240 litre bin. If you live in a one-bed property or sheltered housing, you will be issued a 140 litre bin.
When you order your bins, you will be offered a number of delivery dates to choose from. We will deliver bins between 7.30am and 3.30pm on your chosen date.
Bin type | Cost |
Recycling bin | £26 |
Household waste bin | £36 |
Garden waste bin | £36 |
The charge is for the delivery of the bin. For garden waste, you also need to subscribe to garden waste collections if you want the bin emptied. The bin will remain the property of Gateshead Council.
Repair or replacement bins
If your bin has been lost, stolen or damaged, you can request we repair or replace it.
We will carry out all repairs free of charge. If your bin is lost, stolen, or beyond repair, you will need to pay for a replacement bin.
If you've moved house and there are no bins, you will need to order and pay for replacement bins.
Our residents' changing recycling habits has resulted in the amount of separately collected paper steadily declining over recent years. This, combined with the cost of replacing lost or stolen caddies, has led us to make the decision to phase out the supply of inner caddies for recycling bins. If you do not have a caddy, all paper waste can be placed in the main part of your recycling bin.
We will no longer supply new or replacement caddies.
When you request a repair or replacement bin, you will be able to choose a day when your bin is repaired or replaced. We will repair or replace your bin between 7.30am and 3.30pm on your chosen date.
Please leave bins for repair at the front door or behind an unlocked gate. To prevent the bin from getting stolen, we will only deliver a replacement bin if there is a safe place to leave it. This must be within the boundary of your property. Please leave all gates unlocked.
Type of damage | Cost |
Lost, stolen, or damaged beyond repair | £26 for recycling bins, £36 for household and garden waste bins |
Damaged hinge or lid | Free |
The charge is for the delivery of the bin. For garden waste, you also need to subscribe to garden waste collections if you want the bin emptied. The bin will remain the property of Gateshead Council.
Request a repair or replacement bin
Additional bins
If you would like an additional bin, you can request one from our waste team. This is subject to eligibility.
To get an additional household bin or an additional recycling bin, you will need to show evidence that:
- there are six or more people in the property
- the property needs to dispose of clinical waste
- someone at the property is a foster carer
You can only have one additional household bin or one additional recycling bin - you can not have both.
We are no longer supplying caddies with recycling bins. All paper waste can be placed in the main part of your recycling bin.
You can order as many additional garden waste bins as you want. You do not need to provide a reason or evidence for this.
Type of bin | Cost |
Household waste bin | £36 |
Recycling bin | £26 |
Garden waste bin | £36 |
The charge is for the delivery of the bin. For garden waste, you also need to subscribe to garden waste collections if you want the bin emptied. The bin will remain the property of Gateshead Council.
When you request an additional household waste or recycling bin, it is passed to our waste team for approval. They will be in touch to request evidence of why you need an additional bin.
If approved, you will need to make payment and book a delivery slot. You can do this by a link sent by email or our customer service team can call you back. We'll ask your preference during the approval process.
We will deliver your bin between 7.30am and 3.30pm on your chosen date.
Request a different size bin
If needed, you can request to swap a standard 240 litre bin for a smaller 140 litre bin.
You can also request to swap a smaller bin to a standard size bin.
To request a different size bin, call our customer service team on 0191 433 7000.