Climate change strategy 2022
Ward Action Plans
Ward Level Action Plans are being drafted and will be consulted on and implemented on an ongoing basis. We want to work with our communities on detailed plans in their area to ensure we have a blueprint for change.
We want to have local action, delivered by local communities in partnership with the council and other organisations that people can related to.
We want to tailor actions to each locality, recognising that Gateshead is a diverse borough with differing opportunities and barriers.
Monitoring of Ward Level Action Plans will be ongoing using targets set within the plans.
Examples of actions within the Ward Level Action Plans could include:
- providing a community fridge
- planting a community orchard
- improving signage for a cycle route
- setting up a repair and re-use workspace
- creating a local wetland
Action plan for Gateshead Council
In addition to Ward Level Action Plans, there will be actions that are overarching which are relevant to more than one ward, and these will also be documented and monitored. It is intended to keep the detailed actions separate to the over-arching Climate Strategy to enable this to be updated and reviewed on a regular basis.
The action plan can include large scale infrastructure projects such as, energy generation or heat capturing through improvements to Keelman's Way or a borough wide behaviour change campaign.
Monitoring of the Action Plan will be ongoing using targets set within the plan.