Climate change strategy 2022
Achievements and improvement
What we have achieved so far
Gateshead council has made significant progress in recent years in reducing the carbon emissions associated with our own activities. Investment in new technologies has helped us reduce reliance on fossil fuels for providing heat and power to our buildings. Improving the efficiency of street lighting and the vehicles we use has also had a significant impact.
Since 2010 we have reduced the carbon emissions associated with the councils activities by 55%. In February 2021 we published a Climate Emergency Plan that will deliver on the council's commitment to make its own activities carbon neutral by 2030.
However, the council's own activities account for only 2.5% of Gateshead's total emissions. Clearly, achieving a significant reduction in total emissions from Gateshead requires action within our communities, from Gateshead businesses and from our partners. This strategy aims to deliver our commitment of making the whole of Gateshead carbon neutral 2030. It sets out how communities, businesses and other agencies can reduce their carbon footprint, and the steps that the council can take in facilitating this.
Our current position
Gateshead as a borough produces around 5.3 tonnes of C02 (tC02) per person per year, compared to the national average of 5.4 tC02 per head. (Source - BEIS Local Authority greenhouse gas emission datasets to 2019). This has reduced by 36% since records began in 2005.
Emissions are generated roughly as 30% from the business and public sector, 30% from peoples homes, and 40% from transport.
More information on the local authority carbon emissions
More information on the 2019 UK local authority carbon dioxide emissions estimates
What we have done well and what we need to improve
Gateshead Council has made impressive reductions in carbon emissions and has begun to embed climate change into all areas of Council activity. In addition, the Council has led and participated in a variety of projects that will benefit the planet, as well as, the people of Gateshead.
The Council with partners, has been exemplary in delivery of low carbon heat and power schemes, including the extensive social panel installation, District Energy Scheme and innovations around mine water energy.
Another example of success is The Gateshead Community Food Network involving 45-50 local community organisations, charities, businesses and third sector partners to explore and deliver ways to both reduce food waste and make surplus food available to those households and families who need it.
Gateshead's bike donation scheme, implemented during lockdown, has been highly successful this year, redistributing more than 60 unwanted bikes to new homes with our most vulnerable residence.
Other successes include the planting of thousands of trees as part of the North East Community Forest, including those planted at Whitehills in Spring 2022 by volunteers.
The innovative Northumbria Groundwater Flooding Project will improve understanding of groundwater risk through mapping, monitoring, and investigate management solutions, such as; flood warnings, engineered solutions and community engagement, to help Gateshead become more resilient.
Find out more about the positive work that the Council and its partners are doing within Gateshead
The council recognises that to meet its ambitious targets we cannot be complacent and need to continue working innovatively, continue to educate and work with communities and partners to deliver carbon reduction throughout Gateshead. Key areas the Council seek to improve include; community engagement on climate issues, monitoring and reporting on climate actions and coordination of Council and stakeholder contributions to climate change.
To address this we will be liasing with the community more, we are developing ward action plans, we have set up a new carbon monitoring tool for our operations and we are liasing with partners, business and stakeholders through our existing partnerships and new set ups. We ill continue to report our progress on an annual basis.