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Pregnant woman eating an apple

This is a list of websites that mothers to be and expectant parents may find useful before their baby is born.  

    There are 9 results.
    • All you need to know about pregnancy

      This guide from the NHS includes all you need to know about trying for a baby, pregnancy, labour and birth.

    • Depression in pregnancy

      Advice from the NHS on how to identify symptoms, manage and treat antenatal depression.

    • Domestic abuse during pregnancy

      How to get help if you are a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence during pregnancy.

    • Maternity services

      You have a choice which maternity services you use to have your baby. Search for maternity services in your local area.

    • Pregnancy in school aged students

      Guidance from Gateshead Council for pregnant students and school aged parents.

    • Preparing for the birth

      Find out how to get ready for the birth including making a birth plan, where to give birth and antenatal classes.

    • Staying healthy in pregnancy

      NHS Start for Life has a week-by-week pregnancy guide, advice on vitamins, and how you and your baby can stay healthy physically and mentally during pregnancy.

    • Vaccinations in pregnancy

      Details of vaccinations that are recommended during pregnancy to protect you and you baby's health.

    • Work and pregnancy

      If you're working while you're pregnant, find out your rights at work to antenatal care, maternity pay and leave and benefits that you could be entitled to.