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Pay for your resident visitor scratch cards and / or disc

You should only make a payment if you have submitted an application and received a confirmation letter.

Scratch cards cost £5.50 for a sheet of 10, you can order up to four lots of 10 at a time. A visitors disc for Blue Badge holders is £16.

Pay for your scratch card and / or disc

Once we have received your payment, your resident visitor scratch cards and / or disc will be sent in the post. It can take up to 10 working days to arrive.

Please note that you may not park a vehicle in a controlled parking zone during the hours of operation unless you have a valid permit on display. You are not covered until you receive and display your permit. 

Other payment options

If you don't want to pay for your payment online, other payment options are available.

Paying by cheque

Cheques should be made payable to 'Gateshead Council'.

Write your address and 'resident visitor scratchcards and / or disc' on the back of the cheque so we know what the payment is for, and post it to:

Parking Services
Civic Centre
Regent Street

If this page does not answer your questions

Contact us

0191 433 3636